Broken | 13

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The song above is Guys My Age by Hey Violet, make sure to check it out, the song is hella good ^^


Ty and I headed back into the cafeteria, seeing no sign of Dylan at our table. I let out a sigh of relief.

I wasn't trying to be mean or anything, but he was just acting a bit strange. I mean, I was fine with mindless flirting, but he was acting like he wanted to be in an actual relationship with me.

For god sake, we'd known each other for a total of two days.

I mean, I'd already caught feelings for Grayson and everything, but I also wasn't acting like we were in a relationship or anything yet.. I was just flirting with him 'cause I knew it got on his nerves.

Once we'd sat down and saw that Dylan was no where near our table, we began chatting just like normal. Well, as normal as two gay dudes and a lesbian can talk to each other, but still...

The three of us eventually finished our lunch and moved on to our next classes. The rest of my classes droned on and the bell finally rang, signaling the end of school, thank god.

I quickly jumped out of my chair and charged out the door, running to my locker. I grabbed my phone and quickly turned it on, checking the time to make sure that I wasn't late to my therapy session.

Aunt Tammy wouldn't be too happy if I was late to it, she'd probably grill my ass.

And considering how expensive therapy costed for all us crazies, there's no way that she wouldn't just not care, unlike when I lived with my mother, who never gave a damn if I blew off therapy.

I shook the thoughts of my mother out of my head and headed out to the parking lot, pulling my keys out of my pocket and unlocking my car.

I slid into the driver's seat and started the car, backing out of my parking spot and leaving the school parking lot.

I finally figured out where my therapist's office was and pulled into the parking lot, letting out a breathy sigh.

"Alright, it's just an hour with a bitchy woman that you don't like, you can handle this." I whispered, giving myself a mini TED-Talk.

Once I got the self motivation to go inside I finally stepped out of my car, grabbing my phone and heading inside.

I made sure to lock my car as I entered the building, observing my surroundings. It was about as decorated as you'd expect a therapist's office to be decorated, with a couple flower vases and random pictures on the walls.

I went up to the front desk and signed in, then sat down in a plastic chair, waiting for my name to be called.

"Hunter Gambling." I perked up at the sound of my name being called, then stood up and shoved my phone into my pocket.

I entered a small room with a couch and multiple chairs, along with an array of art hanging on the walls.

It looked like they'd tried too hard to make it seem friendly.

"So Hunter, how have you been feeling since your last visit?" Mrs. What's-Her-Face asked, smiling widely as I took a seat on the couch.

"This is therapy, not a checkup. You act like I had the flu last time I came here and you're seeing if I'm better." I narrowed my eyes at her, a vicious gleam in my gaze.

She quickly averted her eyes away from my gaze, sitting down across from me with a notebook or whatever in her hand.

She continued bombarding me with questions about my feelings and shit, then she asked something that seriously hit a nerve.

"Was it your mom that made you do what you did?"

I glared daggers at the bitch sitting before me.

"No it wasn't my fucking mother." I snarled, pure venom in my voice. "It wasn't her fault about what happened."

My voice broke as I said that last sentence, tears burning my eyes. I bit my bottom lip so hard that I drew blood, eventually letting the tears fall.

I didn't even care that I was openly vulnerable, all I cared about was what that bitch had said about my mother.

"You know damn well that it wasn't my mother who did this. My aunt told you the story." I growled, glaring up at my therapist with tears brimming my eyes.

"I-I was just curious, you seemed to-"

"SHUT UP!" I yelled, jumping out of my seat as the tears flowed down my face, not caring anymore.

"YOU DON'T EVER SPEAK OF MY MOTHER IN THIS ROOM, DO YOU HEAR ME?!" I screamed, hurting my own vocal cords with the power of my voice.

"H-Hunter, please. Sit down, you're scaring me." My therapist tried to reason, but I didn't listen to a damn thing she said.

"Shut the hell up, I'm done here." I snapped, wiping my eyes furiously as I stormed out of her office, slamming the door in her face on my way out.

Tears flowed from my eyes as I tried to catch my breath and comprehend what I was doing.

All I could think about was the rage that had been buried deep within me, which was now pouring out like a volcano erupting after 100 years.

I saw Grayson stepping out of the elevator as I speed walked through the hallway, glaring straight ahead of me at nothing in particular.

"Hey Hunter, are you okay?" Grayson frowned when he saw how red and puffy my eyes were.

"Fuck off, I don't need your pity, Grayson." I snarled, shouldering past him roughly and entering the elevator, quickly pressing a button in hopes of ditching Grayson.

"Wait Hunter I-" The elevator doors closed in time to cut Grayson off and I let out a sigh of relief, not wanting to deal with him in this state of mind. I took deep breaths, in and out, attempting to calm myself down.

I hated it when people spoke badly of my mother. What happened wasn't her fault, it was mine. I shouldn't have brought that boy home that night and none of it would've happened.

I consciously touched the scar that was on my side from a severe cut that put me in the emergency room.

That scar would be a reminder of what happened for the rest of my life, and no matter how much I tried to forget it, the events that took place that night were exactly what left me broken.


So, I don't exactly know what to put as the ending here.. Uh, idk if this was a shit chapter or not.. I was overdue for an update like a week ago, so here it is. Tell me if you enjoyed it and vote and comment 💕

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