Chapter 39

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The force of Cupid's words almost knocks me back. The way he is looking at me – a mixture of intrigue and mischief - but with no hint of familiarity makes me feel nauseous.

Tis was telling the truth; the effects of the River Lethe really are permanent.

He doesn't remember me.

His eyes hold mine as he casually slips his bow back over his shoulder. He rubs the back of his neck – corner of his lip quirked up.

He doesn't look injured, but he seems a little worse for wear. His bronzed hair is ruffled and sticking up all over the place like he's been running his hands through it, and the skin around one of his eyes is pink where it seems he's taken a fist to the face. Cal's fist, probably.

I move my gaze to Cal. He stands stiff – still wearing his bomber jacket over his slender frame. The angles in his face seem sharper – his lips in a tense line. He eyes me with disapproval, darts a distasteful look at Cupid, then moves his silvery gaze back to Valentine – arrow pointed at his chest.

Crystal, in the center of them both, gives me a somewhat sympathetic smile. It makes me want to cry.

I don't know what she's doing here. But I'm glad to see her.

She, at least, knows who I am.

Valentine slowly lowers his bow. He's looking at Cupid as though he's crazy, his dark brows furrowing.

"What?" his rough voice is low – an uncharacteristic confusion carried on it.

"You heard me, brother," says Cupid. "Aren't you going to introduce us to your new friend?"

"Shut up, Cupid," hisses Crystal.

Valentine slowly turns his head to look at me – his eyebrows rising. Then he looks back at Cupid. He runs a hand over his mouth.

And then a low chuckle falls from his lips – reverberating around the vast, museum like room.

"Well, isn't this interesting?" he says. "It seems you've been keeping a little secret from me, Lila."

I flinch. And something heavy and cold hardens in the pit of my stomach.

I'm angry at Valentine. I'm angry at myself for letting him get so close to me. I'm angry at Cupid and Cal for forgetting me, even if it's not their fault.

And I'm angry that I allowed myself, just for a moment, to forget Cupid – when I am not the one who has had my memory erased.

My muscles tense.

He meets Cupid's gaze. "The River Lethe, I presume? You know you really ought to be careful what you drink down here."

"Well, you know me, brother. Always keen to try new things."

Psyche's Heart : CUPID'S MATCH BOOK 3Where stories live. Discover now