Chapter 19

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The door swings shut in my face as Cal powers into the bar without giving me a second glance. I roll my eyes. "Thanks, Cal..."

I reach for the handle.

Be careful, Lila. You're playing with fire.

I take a deep breath, trying to organize my thoughts before meeting with Charlie and whoever these new cupids are. I allow the muffled, upbeat music from the Love Shack to drown out Cupid's voice in my head.

I'm out.

Then I push through the door into the bar – walking into a distorted bubble of chatter, the beats of a blaring dance track, and the sugary scent of lime, and spilt cocktails. I scan the dark room catching glimpses of the tacky decorum through flashes of fuchsia lighting. It's crowded, like it often is on Saturdays; I catch sight of the lacrosse team, some of the football jocks, and a couple of cheerleaders from school hanging about, before I spot Cal over at the bar –scowling and holding the tattered bar menu between his fingers like it's a used diaper.

I roll my eyes. The food isn't that bad here, plus – he was the one who invited himself along.

Movement on the opposite side of the dance floor catches my eye and I flick my head towards it. I force a grin as Charlie, dressed in stylish denim dungarees, waves me over. She's sat among three other people who look around our age; two dark haired guys, and a red-haired girl.

Converse sticking to the floor I make my way over to them. As I approach I notice the three bows and quivers propped up against their high stools.

"Who are you?" Cal's abrupt voice comes from over my shoulder as I reach the straw umbrella they're congregated around. I turn my head. He's holding two bright pink mocktails – he thrusts one into my hand. "Here."


He takes a slurp of his. There's a look of distaste on his face, and I can't tell if it's the drink he disapproves of, or the three mystery cupids. Charlie gives the girl an apologetic look before rolling her eyes at me, then meeting Cal's gaze.

"This is Jessica, Ricardo, and Jonathon," says Charlie. Each of them gives a wave as she says their name and I take a moment to check them out. They're each dressed well – Jessica in a sleek black jumpsuit, and the two guys in sharp shirts, and dark jeans. "They're here from the London branch."

I slip onto the vacant stool next to Ricardo – his blue shirt sleeves rolled up, and his black hair scraped back into a stylish man bun.

Cal eyes him suspiciously as he sits opposite. "I haven't heard of you. Why are you here? Why didn't you check in at the Cupids Matchmaking Service?"

"We heard about the Furies situation so came over to help. But we knew you weren't expecting us yet," says Jessica – her accent British, her tone cheery. "So we thought we'd come here first while the paperwork was sorted."

Psyche's Heart : CUPID'S MATCH BOOK 3Where stories live. Discover now