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I drag my surfboard through the sand. A big smile on my face, my arms not used to carrying so much anymore.

"Skylar! Sierra! Wait!" I call out to my older siblings.

Sierra smiles and waits for me where the waves rush to her and the water reaches her ankles.

"Hurry up, Sav. Skylar's already paddling." She says as I catch up with her.

She looks as someone calls out our names.

"And Nate is here too." She adds, urging me to move faster.

I look to my right and see Nate and the others coming towards us.

I carry my board and run after Sierra. I can't believe I get to do this again.

Gail and Tasha catch up and we run to the water. Faley and the twins already left for work yesterday so we're left to surf together.

"Come on and show off, Sav!" Nate calls out.

I smile and paddle hard, catching up with the others. Soon, we're up and riding the waves, laughing and enjoying the salty air and heat on our skin.

We surf and swim for hours and I'm so glad with how this year turned out so far. It's still the first week but God is so good.

"Proud of you, Savannah." Sierra says as we drag our boards onto the beach and gather around the platform.

I beam at her. "Thanks. Real glad you could come and surf with us today."

She shrugs. "It's been a while."

We watch as the sun sets then decide to go to the Reese's for movie night. Sierra and Skylar can't though and need to go back to the city in the morning.

Before they leave, they give me tight hugs and I'm so glad I can feel them.

"Be smart and hard to get." Sierra whispers with an amused smile.


She waves goodbye and winks, Skylar winking and waving too.

I shake my head and smile, following Gail and Tasha into the living room where Nate's fixing up movies to watch.

We decide to do a Disney marathon. We blindfold one of us, lay out the movies and spin the person. Whichever Disney movie the person ends up pointing at will be the one to be watched.

"We'll get some food and drinks." Tasha says, as Toy Story is put into the dvd player.

She urges Gail to hurry and they head out.

Nate sits beside me and we wait for the two to come back.


I look at him and see a nervous smile on his face.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"I was wondering and praying real hard the other day. And I had this prompting again after the surfboard making we did at the shed. I can't believe I've been blind and hard headed to this." He starts out softly.

Above the wavesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin