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I sit on the sand, the moon and stars lighting up the night. I've had this sudden feeling to go to Savannah and catch up. It's not a weekend or a Friday but I just feel this prompting.

I won another surf meet, aced my exams and got closer to Josh and the life group boys at church but slowly being friends again with Savannah again is one of the best parts of the past few months.

I get up and head inside. "Mom, I'm going to meet Savannah."

She looks up and blinks at me then smiles slowly.

"Well, isn't that a sudden and real late decision." She says, putting down her book.

I sit beside her on the couch.

"I-I just feel this sudden conviction to go." I say.

She puts a hand on my back.

"Maybe it's God. And something's happening."

I look at her. "You don't think something's wrong do you?"

She smiles. "Nate, I don't know. God does. Go if you must and keep updating me. It's late."

She kisses my cheek and I kiss her head as I walk out.

"Love you mom!" I shout as I head to my car parked outside.

I drive as fast I can and in an hour. I feel the need to visit the university before their apartment. Once I reach it, I run out.

The heat is immense and the fire takes up the front building.

I see a girl about my age making her way down the last ladder and drop to the ground.

I run to her and help her up. Her hair smells like smoke and her shirt is ripped a little in some places. Her face is covered with what looks like ash. She was climbing down from outside and the flames must've been real strong.

"What happened?" I ask, guiding her to my car. No other vehicles are here and I wonder why.

"Fire started." She mumbles. Obviously.

"How?" I ask.

She coughs. "Don't know."

I look up and see the flames moving into the middle.

"Is anyone else there?" I ask, a sudden feeling of fear washing over me.

She nods. "Savannah and-"

She coughs again, and I help her sit in the backseat.


She looks at me through hazed and exhausted eyes.


I stare at her. Why is Amanda here?

"What's your name?" I ask gently.

"Fila." She answers before closing her eyes.

I run to the building and look up. There's no way I can get to the middle floor without getting burned.

I call nine one one and in three minutes, a fire truck's sirens have nearly deafened my ears.

"Please let me up there." I beg. My face probably so pathetic with worry right now.

The firefighter regards me before answering.

"Have you had any training son?" He asks.

I nod. "I'm a surfer but we have different trainings. Dealing with a fire is one of them. We have to learn to keep our balance and our breathing in check just in case."

Above the wavesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ