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We're at the playground in the public park. We come here after school sometimes to hang out in the "concrete before the beach" as mom likes to say.

"Come on, Savannah! Let's do the whole thing again!" Nate calls from the stairs. I run to him and we climb up and through the entire playground together. From the bridges connecting three different towers, to the five different slides. There are twirly things that look like steering wheels but you have to hang from them. They also have some stepping stones with wires like vines to hold.

We run through the playground, pretending we're in a jungle and being chased by jaguars!

"Go onto the monkey bars!" Nate calls out as if in danger. "Go, go, go!"

I run and make it to the last part of the connected playground. The monkey bars.

I jump onto the first one and start swinging myself. I sense someone behind me and stop to look back. I'm about to call out but see that it's Clair. Clair Canyon.

"Move it, pig." She says with a snarl.

I turn my head back around and move one arm to grab the next bar. But I can't.

I feel her shoes dig into my back as she pushes or kicks me hard.

I fall from the monkey bars but I hear Nate call my name.

"I got you Savannah!" He says as I land on him. "Oops."

I get up and brush myself off, helping Nate stand up.

He smiles. "Thanks."

We turn to look at Clair who's just finished the monkey bars. She's standing proudly heading towards the swing set.

Nate marches towards her.

"Hey! You. Clair." He says.

She looks at him and raises an eyebrow. I never knew a seven year old could be such a sassy adult.

"Why did you push Savannah? You can't hurt my best friend like that!" He shouts as he gets nearer.

"What're you gonna do about it, nerd?" She spits out.

He stops and glares at her. I walk towards them slowly.

"Nate, it's okay." I say, afraid she'll here.

Nate doesn't say or do anything. He just stares at her.

She rolls her eyes and runs towards the swing set.

"Nate, let's go." I beg, walking faster towards him.

I see his face and he's about to chase after her and push her, I just know it.

"Come on." I say again.

He finally looks at me. "But you always go to the swings after we play in the jungle." He pouts.

I smile. "It's okay. There's always next time."

He shakes his head and determined and angered face comes back on.

"No. You will get to swing. Come on." He grabs my wrist and we run towards the swing set. There are eight regular swings in all and two baby swings.

There are two swings in each set and Nate and I swing beside each other.

"Thanks Nate!" I call out as we go higher and higher.

We swing for a while, trying to go as high as we can and trying to beat each other too.

"I'm going to win!" I shout as I kick my feet once more and shoot up.

"Savannah! Nate! Time to go!" I hear Nate's mom call.

We slow down and Nate jumps off his swing. He looks back at me but then his eyes widen.

"No!" He shouts.

My swing slows down and next thing I know, I'm face flat on the wood chips.

"Ow." I mumble as Nate helps me up.

I hear snickering and see Clair looking at us.

Nate makes sure I'm okay then marches towards Clair again.

"What're you gonna do, nerd?" She asks again, her mocking face held high.

Nate shrugs. "Nothing."

Clair looks between him and me, scoffs, then turns to walk. Nate trips her and she falls.

She gets back up fast and her face is full of shock.

"Daddy!" She yells.

Nate grabs my wrist and we run back to our moms who just finished jogging.

"I'm sorry. I can't really hurt a girl. All I could do." Nate says through breaths as we run.

"Thanks Nate." I reply.

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