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I'm on the beach, sitting in the sand, letting the water roll over my feet.

Harold and Gail are with me and they helped me sit in the sand, second time in nine years.

"Thank you." I say again.

Harold smiles his soft smile. "No problem, Sav. Hey. While Skylar's not here, I'm your brother."

We laugh at that knowing how true it is. Though I don't see Harold as often as before, he's definitely like Skylar's twin. They used to be real hard to split apart when we were kids.

"How's Faley?" I ask.

I haven't seen Faley for so long, since the bonfire weeks ago. I'm pretty sure she's somewhere else in the world.

"She's in Australia. Big competition." Harold answers.

I nod. Guess I was right.

"Do you miss surfing?" Harold asks softly, looking out at the horizon.

"Very much." I whisper back.

Gail sits in between us and looks back and forth.

"You two will surf again one day. For now I'll do all the surfing for both of you." Gail's grin is wide. "If that's okay?"

Harold looks at her smiles. "Sure thing sis."

Gail brings up her surfboard, and walks into the water. She looks back at us and smiles at me.

"One day, Sav. But this is for you."

She runs into the water then paddles. Soon she's up and riding a wave that's come on. She does some tricks but Harold gets my attention.

"How're things with you and the Reese's?" He asks, a knowing smile on his face.

"Why did you bring in the whole family when you're clearly asking about one?" I say with a tease.

He smiles smugly. "I didn't say I was asking about one. You assumed that."

I open my mouth to retaliate but end up closing it. He got me.

He raises an eyebrow and I shake my head, smiling.

"We got back to talking. For the rest of the Reese's, we're good. Still close." I say. "It felt so good and normal talking to Nate again. But then I haven't talked to him since. Kind of seems like that day didn't happen."

Harold's about to say something when his eyes land on something behind us. I turn slowly, trying to see what he's looking at. Not a something, but a someone.

Nate sits on the other side of me, still looking out at the water where Gail's surfing. Tasha's paddling to join her and I'm stuck with the two boys.

I'm about to ask why Harold can't surf too but then I remember.

"Were you about to ask me?" Harold asks, seeing me looking at him.

I smile shyly. "Oops."

He chuckles. "It's fine, Sav. I know my condition isn't as bad as yours."

I shake my head. "No injury or pain should be compared. Pain is different to everyone and comes in different sizes. We're all strong for fighting through our own pains and struggles."

Harold's smile grows wider. "And there you have it folks."

I look out at the water and see Tasha and Gail carving up the waves, big smiles on their faces and salt water spraying them.

I breath in the salty air deeply and smile wishfully.

"You're not gonna join them, Nate?" Harold asks, looking at him. I look at him too and when he sees me looking, he quickly looks away.

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