"he's a regular"

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it's the day after your latest date and you are looking at your dad's records again and you can't stop thinking about the fact that your dad has an alternate reason for seeing you. You stop because you need to check on one of your patients. You get up but you are stopped.

"(Y/N) the next one is yours," Maggie says 

"Ok," you say as paramedics bring in an eighteen-year-old 

"eighteen-year-old male last chemo treatment two days ago, he's also complaining of high fever," the paramedic says giving you the info 

"trauma five is open," Maggie says telling the paramedics where to go

Two minutes later and you and the paramedics have gotten the patient comfortable

"I need a full blood workup and an MRI," you demand so can get to the bottom of what's causing his fever

"I've never seen you here, you're new," he says weakly

"Well I started here two months ago, you mustn't have had any issues with the chemo up until now," you reply as you take his temperature

 "102 degrees, good thing you came," you say as you update his charts

"Hey, Scott," Will says as he enters the room to say hello to his regular

"Hey, Will," he says perking up

"This is Scott he's a regular," Will says introducing you two

"well he knows my name, after all, I was assigned to him," you remark making both Scott and Will giggle

"yea anyway I'll let you know what your test results are even though you can guess what's going on," 

"ok," Scott replies knowing what you mean


three hours later and you are reviewing Scott's blood work but you are still waiting on his MRI results

"hey (Y/N) I've got something for you," Will says as he walks into the rec room

"but you have to close your eyes and hold out your hands,"

You do as he says and he places a piece of paper in your hands

"can I open now?" you ask because you really want to know what is in your hands

"yes you can," Will says 

You open your eyes to find a ticket to tomorrow's Blackhawks game

"thank you so much but what about you?" you say because he's only given you one

"It's at my apartment I only needed to bring the one," he says making you giggle 

You don't giggle for long because you get the results for Scott's MRI. You have a look and you're confused because the mass was not a tumour.

"Hey Will can you read this, it's making no sense to me," you say trying to wrap your head around the information

"why?" he asks

"it's saying the mass that Scott has is not cancer," you  reply really concerned

"I'll ask if he had a biopsy done,"

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