Another Date

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You are deciding what to wear but you don't have anything particularly fancy to wear so you decide to settle on your favourite dress hoping that you are not underdressed. A moment later and you are applying some last minute lip stick when you hear a knock at the door. A moment later and you open the door to find Will standing outside 

"so (Y|N) are you ready to go" he asks 

"yes let's go" you say as you step outside and lock the door 

"so where are we going anyway"

"it's a surprise" he replies    

fifteen minutes later and you and Will are at one of the nicest outdoor restaurants 

"hey Will you know you need to cheer up so we can enjoy our date" you say almost board 

"I'm sorry it's just knowing that my brother is injured" he replies a little saddened 

"you know I remember one of the first things you said to me as a friend, not a co-worker" you say wanting to use a call back 

"yes what are you trying to say" he says 

"you told me that you would be there for you so now I am just returning the favour" you say 

"ok anyway let's talk about something lighthearted" he says finally agreeing with you. 

"so what inspired you to become a doctor instead of a vet" he says remembering a conversation you two had on one of your earlier dates 

"well it started when my mum needed to go into care because she was terminal and the doctor she had cared for me and I felt inspired to become a doctor and then my bother had an accident and he had a compound fracture and I helped" you say telling him the story 

"and the reason I chose trauma was because it appealed the most to me because it means I save lives how about you?"

"it's a longer story but boiled down to it's basics it's me wanting to make a difference" he replies wistfully 

"have you?" you ask curiously 

"to some people" he replies 

"let's order" you say "waiter" Will calls out 

"what can I do for you" one of the waiters asks 

"can we have a pork rib share platter" you ask 

"ok" he says as he writes your order down 

"I'm sharing with her" Will adds

"no problem" the waiter responds

Thirty minutes later and Will have done your food and are going for a walk along the river 

"so (Y|N) you know how you said one of the reasons you became a doctor was because of your mother's doctor was that because he cared about you" he asks 

"well he basically adopted my brother and I so pretty much" you reply 

"how about you Will you never really elaborated your story to me earlier" 

"it's because it's a bit to long for this date" he says

"oh come on" you say playfully teasing him 

"I will tell you when we have a little more time" he says 

"ok when will we have enough time" you reply 

"it depends" he says

"on what" you say trying to probe for info 

"on if we get married or not" he says cheekily 

"I hope we do get that far then" you say

A Certain Someone (Dr Will Halstead X Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu