the next day

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it is the next day and you are doing some scout work you are taking a look at a girl's broken arm 

"hey doc how long have I got to heal" the girl asks

"well considering the fact that is a hairline fracture I would say three weeks" you reply 

"ok but is there anything I can do to keep it from getting wet because I love swimming" the girl asks concerned

"well other than not swimming at all or putting a plastic bag over the cast no" you say

"lets get the arm plastered up" you start placing plaster on the arm 

"have you had any broken bones before doctor (Y\L\N)" the girl asks 

"no I've been lucky" you reply. Three minutes later and you are done plastering the girl's arm 

"I've got to get back to the emergency room I'll check on three weeks from now ok" you say as you get up 

"ok see you then doc" the girl responds cheerfully

you are walking down a corridor when a massive explosion happens knocking you off your feet. a moment later you get up and start running to the emergency room but you can't reach it because the corridor to and from the emergency has been blocked  because of debris you look around to see if there is anyway you can get someone to help 

"damn" you say to yourself you notice someone is trapped 

"ok I'll get help for you" you say and the person waves his hand slightly in response

five minutes later you reach the emergency room to find it in chaos 

"(Y\N) can you help me here" Connor asks frantically

"yes" you reply as you move to help him with a patient 

"what can I do for you" 

"ok can you check on the stitching" Connor replies you do and it's all good

"it's all good" you confirm.

Three minutes later and the firefighters arrive 

"is there anyone trapped?" Matthew Casey asks 

"yes there is" you say

"show us where" he says indicating to him and Herrmann

 "follow me" you say as you lead them to the corridor

A minute later and you, Casey and Herrmann are at the blockage in the corridor 

"ok lets get started" Matt says

"and can you stand back and get ready to treat the person" 

"ok" you say standing back. seven minutes later and they have rescued Will 

"I'll be back stay here" you say as you leave two minutes later and you come back with a stretcher and they place Will on the stretcher.  

Two minutes later you have reached the emergency room 

"Will if you can hear me squeeze my hand" you say holding his hand he squeezes it weakly  

"how many fingers am I holding up" you ask as you hold up one 

"five" he replies meekly. You place some gauze on a gash on Will's temple

"Connor can you help me" you ask frantically 

"no I am occupied" he says as he is redressing a girl's chest 

"I'll help you (Y\N)" Gabriela Dawson says as she moves to help you 

"ok can you hold this" you say Gabriela places her hand on the gauze and you start wrapping the area with bandages

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