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Athena's POV

I held Lucifer's hand as we walked to the living room, silently following Rush. I was scared and worried.

Lucifer squeezed my hand, sensing my distress through the mate bond.
I visibly relaxed from his touch.

We entered the living room, Remi was seated on the black leather couch, in front of her was a man. He looked visibly young, maybe my age. He had dirty blonde hair, hazel eyes with specks of yellow in them. His lips were a dark rose pink  and he was tanned. He stood up, his nose flaring in the air, he turned to us acknowledging me and Luce's presence with a nod.

"Hello" I said slightly waving, how much better would you greet a God?

"Hello" he replied, his voice a deep rumble.

He stared at me, glaring at Lucifer occasionally.

I walked past him and sat beside Remi on the couch, Lucifer stood beside it.

"Well let's start" Lucifer announced and I shifted in my seat uncomfortably.

"I'm Fenrir God of the Wolves"

I roll my eyes internally, saying your title when everyone already knows who you are is really not neccesary.

"Uh I'm Athena, I don't really have a title"

Luce growled.

'Yes you do' his voice echoed in my head, 'Your my queen'.

Fenrir nodded. "Ask away"

"Uhm, do you... possibly know anything about my parents?" I asked hopefully, scared of looking him in the eye.

What if he didn't have any answers?

"Well I do know your mother, she was my daughter, she was half wolf and half angel, her mother Clara was one"

"Oh, what happened to her?" I asked, trying to distract myself from his previous words, he said was.

"Your grandmother banished her from her realm when she mated with Bane, a demon, she didn't find her mate after years of searching on Earth and in Heaven so they fell in love and mated. After a few years Bane died in a battle between angels and demons started by your grandmother, your mother was depressed and broken she killed Clara the reason for Bane's death and went to live on Earth "

Well that was some hard shit.

"Your mother later found her true mate Apophis, God of chaos, they fell in love and mated but she died during childbirth when she had you and your twin brother"

Wow. I had a twin.

"Apophis consulted me about the prophet and sent the both of you back to earth so you wouldn't be hurt"

"So I have a twin brother and my fathers alive?"

"Yes, that clears things up a little bit, we just have to get in contact with your father to help us to protect you and find your brother" Lucifer said.

"Protect me?" I asked, what was he talking about?

"I.. Uh.. How do I say this?" Luce asks himself out loud.

"The day I marked you, the reason why my beast was so angry was because I learnt about a threat towards you, Michael wants you to mate with then kill you, I will not let that happen there will be a war for him to get to you"

"Everything is falling into place now, in the prophecy it was said there will be a great war between darkness and light the one that conquers shall rule"

A prophecy. Nothing ever works your way in a prophecy, there's always a catch.

"I.. This is a lot to take in I'm gonna think about this then take rest" I said slowly getting up from the couch.

Lucifer nodded.

Fenrir gave me a grim smile and dismissed himself, I walked upstairs to my room jumping on the bed, letting out a puff of air. I sighed this was a lot, I wonder how my mother was like how my brother and father is. My thoughts consumed me and I soon fell asleep.

I woke up to the sound of something dropping onto the floor, I quickly looked around the dark room and my enhanced vision picked nothing up.

"Luce?" I asked.

No answer.

"Remi, Rush, anyone?"

No answer. I sighed.

"I'm just being paranoid" I said out loud.

"No you're not darling." A deep manly voice said.

I looked up to see a scary looking man with a lot of piercings and tattoos, as I was about to scream I was being hit in the head with a bat knocking me out cold my last thought was, 'How cliche'.


I silently watched as Athena walked up the stairs to our room as Fenrir dismissed himself. She had a lot to think about, a mother who died giving birth to both her and her unknown twin brother, a father she doesn't know and a prophecy to top it all off. I was amazed by it all myself.

Rush and I went into town to see my people, everything was normal. After arriving back at the castle, I ordered Rush to get in contact with Apophis to help identify his son. I hated his guts but I would do anything to protect my Athena.

I walked up the stairs to our room opening the door. I caught two lingering scents that would have been gone for about 10 minutes now. One was Athena's, the other unknown but I could tell it was an angels.

I growled ferociously and mindlinked Rush. 'The queen has been kidnapped.'

We have contacted everyone. Fenrir was back here in a flash when he heard the news along with some of his best wolf warriors. Athena's father, Apophis, managed to make it but wasn't happy with the news about his daughter being kidnapped. I wondered why he cared so much, afterall he was the one that sent her to earth to live with foster parents not knowing her true identity and what she was destined to become. He didn't bring any warriors, he was too much of a strong god that he could handle Michael's gang by himself, his words not mine but it wasn't his fight. It was mine.

We decided that we would attack in two days before it was a week but I insisted and we all agreed on two days. Fenrir handled the map of Abragar, we figured that that was where Michael, his followers and prisoners were. Fenrir showed us the best place to attack. Apophis trained Fenrir's and my warriors, not that they weren't good enough.

I helped with everything I could to try and keep the fact away that my mate was kidnapped. Remi was in a non- stop crying mood, everytime someone mentioned Athena she would start crying and getting angry, sometimes I feel she's Athena's mate and not me. Rush consoles her when she has her episodes and surprisingly it always works. I can tell April's jealous about their relationship, I naturally don't like her but kept her here because Athena brought her here and has fate in her. She is quite bitchy to Remi, and Athena doesn't know this, she acts innocent around her but she's a devil in disguise. As I looked around our room I saw a piece of clothing that belonged to Athena and I sighed.

"We're coming to get you"

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