Chapter 18

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“Sierra, this can’t keep happening! Every time she is out with me, she faints. It’s like as though I am the one who is making her head go crazy. I don’t even do anything,” Sam complained.

Sierra pursed her lips, choosing her next words carefully. “Sam, I think you should stay away from Amy,” she stated.

Sam halted his pacing and he stared at his cousin in shock. “Stay away? Sierra, what is wrong with you? And don’t forget, you did give me a month to win back her heart. You can’t just take that away. I mean, Amy is my mate, I don’t know how I lived these past few years, being miserable and all, but now that I found her, I can’t imagine life without her again. You can’t just ask me to stay away!”

Sierra shook her head, clarifying her words, “ Look, I’m not saying stay away forever. Just for awhile, I guess. I mean, all this fainting and headaches started after you came. I can’t help but think that somehow you are the reason why she is having it.”

Taking a deep breath, she continued, “Think about it. You arrived and within two weeks, she has fainted two times and complained of a million headaches. Maybe, that witches spell was not strong enough. Maybe you remind Amy too much of her past. Maybe, that’s why all of this is happening.”

Sam shook his head. “First off, that’s a lot of 'maybe's. Secondly, isn’t it good? If she remembers her past, remembers me, won’t it be easier for her to accept that we are mates?”

Sierra huffed, poking a finger into his chest. “Stop being selfish! All you think about is mates, mates, mates. Have you ever bothered thinking what drove Amy to the point that she wanted to lose her memories? Have you ever wondered, that if you had supported her that day, things would have been way different today? Have you?!?”

“Do you think I don’t regret that every single day?” Sam answered just as fiercely, tuning away sharply. “Do you think I was happy after doing what I did? I couldn’t forgive myself for years and just when I lost hope, I finally found Amy. I can’t let her go now! No way!”

“Well, you can’t do anything about the past now but at least think about her! Have you ever thought about what she went through? Her parent’s died, for goodness sake! And she carried the burden of their deaths on her own shoulders because like you, everyone else abandoned her! Her friend, Sarah, someone we all didn’t like except for her, was murdered and she thought it was all her fault!” Sierra yelled.

Sam sighed. “I know, and I wish I could change everything that happened in the past but don’t you think that she deserves to get back her memories. To remember those experiences and move on from it,” he suggested.

Sierra shook her head, inhaling sharply. “Maybe if she had accidentally lost her memories, yes. But she purposely, willingly, on her own choice, got rid of her memories of Freedom Knights pack. What does that tell you? That she didn’t want to remember all of that! Then, why are you so adamant on making her get back her memories?”

“Because maybe she will want to remember it now! Maybe she wants to know everything now. Shouldn’t it be her choice? Amy is not the same eighteen years old girl as she was five years ago. She has changed, even if you may not realize it, and I think you should give her the option of remembering,” Sam suggested making Sierra shake her head.

Sierra argued, “No, I know Amy. She will not be able to take it. If we even tell her, she won’t be able to take it. Werewolves? Packs? She doesn’t believe in these things—”

A voice interrupted her making her gasp in surprise.

“Well, maybe I will start believing in these things now. After all, how can my memories like to me?” Amy interjected.

“Amy, I—" Sam started and Amy held up a hand.

“I don’t really need you all to clarify yourselves right now. All I want to know, is what just happened in the past that it gives me such a horrible pain just thinking about it.”

Sierra and Sam exchanged glances, one feeling rather scared while the other overloading with guilt.

“It’s going to be a long story,” Sam said.

Amy glared at him. “I don’t care. I just want the truth, for once.”

Sierra nodded, giving Sam a pointed look. “Then, you will get it. But I must warn you, your past wasn’t exactly very pretty. So, brace yourself to hear things you wish you never heard before this.”

“As long as it’s the truth, I’m ready to hear anything,” Amy said firmly, making Sierra nod at her.


Sorry, this is short, I know... Happy (late) new year tho!! Hope this year goes fantastic for all of you!!

School has started so I'm not as free as always but I will definitely still be updating weekly...

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