Chapter 6

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As she packed her bags, tears slipped out of her eyes. She gritted her teeth in anger. How could they kick her out of the pack without any real evidence? A packet of wolfsbane, what kind of proof was that? This was so unfair!

When the cloud of fury lifted from over her head, only then did she realise that there was someone else in her room.

Whirling around, she gave the woman a glare, fighting the urge to punch her and knock some of her teeth out (even though she knew it would probably damage her own hand more than her opponent's face).

"Aww, it's so sad to see you leave, Amy. I will really miss you. Why did you have to do all those things and betray the pack? Look where that left you now," Liann taunted, the fire in Amy's eyes growing with each word. 

"I betrayed the pack? How dare you accuse me of that? You were the one whole lied about everything!" Amy argued, her shoulders tensing. 

"Hmm, are you sure about that?" Liann said, before looking out of the room for anyone else's presence and shutting the door after she was confident no one else was there. "Actually, you're right. I lied. Whoops! Too bad. Nothing you can do about it anymore now, can you?" 

Amy gritted her teeth. "Why?" 

"Why? Funny that you asked that. I thought you figured it out already."

Clicking her tongue at Amy, Liann continued. "Well, aren't you the biggest fool then? It's simple. You are the only human in this pack of big, strong werewolves. Regardless of how much you train, you will never be able to match the strength of a werewolf. And you know what that makes you? It makes you the weakest part of our pack. The only flaw in our defenses. The only way to become stronger is to eliminate all our weaknesses. Hence, all of this had to happen," she said with a mocking look on her face, gesturing at Amy and her bags that were lying half-packed on the bed. 

Amy almost staggered back. A weakness? That was what the pack thought she was? Every thing she did, every moment she spent with them, they thought of her as a flaw, something they couldn't wait to get rid of?

Closing her eyes, her shoulders sagged as all the fight in her left her alone.

"When you said 'we', who were you talking about? Zach? Or even..."

Her heart could not bear saying his name but she needed to know whether he wanted her to be removed from the pack, from her family, too. "...Sam?"

"Zach, huh? No longer calling him Alpha Zach like the rest of his minions? Interesting... But no, they both were not involved. They would never have joined in anyways, not since my plan was to kill one of them at the end," Liann said calmly, as though she was discussing the weather and not the potential murder of someone.

Amy gasped. The poison she had to give Zach, that was all Liann's doing. But, why would she want to kill her own brother?

"You want to murder Zach and you tried to frame me for it, didn't you? But, why?" Amy asked, confused.

"Zach does not deserve the Alpha position! He literally does nothing but order people around. I'm so sick of it. Even Sam could make a better Alpha than him!" Liann growled out, her eyes bursting with frustration.

Amy internally agreed with her on the attitude of the Alpha (she wanted to give him a few punches in the face for it, in fact), but she had enough common sense to know that it was stupid to murder the rightful heir to the Alpha bloodline after being blinded by jealousy and hatred.

"So, this is the classic 'He is not good enough to be Alpha so I want to be Alpha instead' thing going on here?" Amy asked, still in disbelief that Liann could be so petty.

This was definitely not the best friend she knew and Amy wondered if whether in the past nine months, the Liann she was so close to was truly the real one.

"Never! I don't want to be Alpha. But Astrid does, so she can have the role once Zach dies," Liann replied, a smirk playing on her lips.

"So, you can't stand your controlling brother, but you don't mind making a ruthless murderer the Alpha of the pack. Pretty dumb, isn't it? And do you really think the pack members will truly support your decision?" Amy shook her head at Liann, clearly disapproving of her fabulous plan.

"Of course not. But, they won't have a choice. At least, she will make sure we get stronger in the long run. Every great pack is famous for having a cold-hearted Alpha. Ours will be no different," Liann promised confidently.

"Even though it is so stupid, that part makes sense. But, the frequent rogue attacks that was killing so many of our pack members, you were behind them too, right? Why did you even need to do that?"

"I wanted the pack to blame Zach for not defending us well enough, which is why the rogues attacked. Instead, they defended him and trained harder to fight the rogues. Truly stupid people, they are," Liann muttered, looking annoyed.

"No, they are in no ways stupid. Firstly, they are smart and courageous and brave. Secondly, they don't dump all the responsibility on one person. Just because the Alpha is not great doesn't mean that they can't take the initiative to do something. Thirdly, they are unlike you, someone who is fueled by negativity and can't focus on the positive parts of this pack," Amy drawled out, hiding a smile at the shocked look on Liann's face.

Grabbing her bags, she walked out of the room, her shoulders feeling lighter but her eyes still brimming with tears.

It felt good telling Liann off but it still did not shake away the reality of the situation. She was leaving her pack, her family, her mate, her everything because of misunderstandings that she had no idea how to clear up.

Taking in a deep breath, she walked out of the pack house, slightly hobbling when her bruised ankle decided to shoot her with tremors of pain.

Once she reached the pack border, she looked back at the entire place. The children running up and down the streets. The women walking along the packhouse, cuddling their crochet items as they made their way home. The pack house itself, standing tall and just as magnificent as the day she first saw it.

There were so many great things she could recall about being in the pack for the past nine months, each that she had no doubt she would cherish.

However, the bad memories, the ones that made her feel unwanted and miserable, that made leaving the pack feel less difficult, those memories she wanted to burn down and throw away forever.

With a deep breath, she promised herself loudly, "I promise I will never come back here again. I never want to see you anymore."

With that, she turned away and left the pack boundary, cutting all ties with everyone she ever knew for the past nine months, while not looking back even once.

Because if she did turn around, she would have seen Sam standing right in front of her in his wolf form, tears escaping his eyes as he watched her leave.


I am not crying, you are! Well, we both are actually...

This chapter was SOOOO heartbreaking for me to write. I could hardly see through my tears.

I wish I could drag Liann out of the book and give her a huge punch! She was the freaking reason for everything that went wrong. Why couldn't she just be contented with what she had?

Anywho, don't forget to vote, comment and share if you feel like punching someone right now (regardless of whether it is characters in this book or people from somewhere else)!

Thanks for reading! *Hands you a tissue* : )

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