Missing You (Epilogue)

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I woke up to a familiar but obnoxious beeping. I slowly opened my eyes. My arms felt itchy. I went to scratch it when someone's hand smacked my hand away gently. "No, Ryleigh,"their scratchy voice said. I took in the noise surrounding me and the curtain separating my bed from the others. I was in a hospital emergency room.

Finally, I looked next to me. Zack was sitting there with dark circles under his red-rimmed eyes. He'd been crying. The rest of All Time Low was surrounding me in the small space. "What happened?"I croaked. "You almost died,"Zack whispered with tears filling his eyes. He stood up and walked out. Rian sent me an apologetic look before he ran after Zack.

Alex and Jack stayed with me. "What were you thinking?"Jack asked. Alex sent him a look that told him to shut up. "I found you a little after 2 this morning,"Alex said and paused for a moment. "They debated admitting you but I assured them once you woke that you'd be fine to come home with us,"Alex said. I knew he wanted an explanation and they definitely deserved one. "Does Dad know?"I asked. "No, not yet. You have to tell him, Ryleigh,"Alex said with a serious expression. I glanced away. "I'm going to check on Zack,"Jack said and stepped out.

"Why, Ryleigh?"Alex asked gently. He grabbed my hand and rubbed small circles into my thumb. "I--I,"I choked out and began crying into my hands. "It's okay, take your time,"Alex said and hugged me. I sucked in a breath. The tears were still rolling. "I had to find relief,"I said. "From what?"he asked softly. "I was raped,"I whispered and looked down. He put a finger under my chin and tilted my face up.

"It happened several times. My father got paid and he would do it after them. One time in particular stuck in my mind yesterday where the man took me over night. I was tied down and managed to escape,"I whispered. He just hugged me tight and stroked my hair. He mumbled reassurances. "They never found him, Alex. I was 12 and I started my period that day. I was alone in the hospital,"I cried. He just held me. "Shh, it's okay,"he assured me countless times. "They never found him,"I sobbed.

I calmed down eventually and he let go. "Please, don't tell Zack. Not yet,"I pleaded. He nodded. The guys returned with slushies. Zack handed me a red one. We were pretty quiet then. I could see Zack's curiosity as to why my face was red and tearstreaked. My doctor came in and gave them release forms. They signed them, were given instructions, and bandages. I had stitches in my arm holding the cuts together. We walked out to the car. It was almost silent on the way home. The radio was playing softly. Alex kept sneaking glances at me through the rearview mirror.

We pulled up to their house and went inside. Alex sent a look a Jack and Rian. "Uh, I have to clean the dog,"Rian said and started upstairs. Zack looked confused. "I'm going to help him clean the dog,"Jack said and ran after him. "We don't have a dog,"Zack mumbled as he looked at the ceiling and everywhere but me. Why did I always have to screw up a good thing?

"I'm going to give you a minute,"Alex said honestly and shot me a look that told me to tell him. I shrugged. "Tell him,"Alex said and kissed the top of my head. "Tell me what?"Zack asked as he looked at Alex. "He won't treat you differently but he needs to know,"Alex assured and then he was gone.

"What do I need to know?"Zack mumbled. He was keeping his distance. No touching and I didn't know if that made telling him better or worse. I knew he was going to hate me or end up giving me those pity glances that people always give rape victims. The truth is we are stronger than they'll ever know. They don't need to pity us. We're still human even if we suffered unbearable pain.

"Why the hell did you do it?"Zack yelled when I didn't answer. He turned away with his hands on the top of his head. "I need some answers here, Ryleigh. Did I do something wrong?"he asked as he turned to face me again. Now he was blaming himself for my problems and idiocy. Tears were running down his face. It wouldn't take long before they were on mine, too. They invaded everything.

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