We Build Then We Break

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Ryleigh didn't know it. I told Sarah to tell Ryleigh that I was in meetings for tour. It wasn't a total lie. In reality, I headed to Dallon's early in the morning when I received his text message. He was thinking about quitting the band. He didn't really want to finish out this tour after getting shot. I needed to change his mind. I wasn't ready to go on without him. I managed to convince him to stay through this tour, the new album, and the tour to follow it.

I'm hoping that'll be enough time to get him to stay. I'd be happy for him anyway but I really want him to stay more than anything. It's hard to find a replacement band member that you can get along with. "Hey, Bren?"Sarah called from outside our bathroom door. "Yeah,"I called back. "Ryleigh just left with the My Chem guys. She'll be back later,"she said. "Okay,"I said. I was still distracted by everything that went down this morning. If I knew what was coming, I would welcome the distraction but I didn't and that changed everything.

I returned downstairs to the waiting members of My Chemical Romance. I hugged mom goodbye. Dad was in the shower now. "You got your phone and keys?"she asked me. I nodded. Mom kissed my forehead. I followed Gerard and Frank out of the house. Mikey and Ray were behind me. We piled into Gerard's car. "Where to first?"Gerard asked as he looked to me for direction. I shrugged. He and Frank exchanged a look wordlessly and then we were off.

We ended up at a movie theatre. "What're we doing?"I asked concerned. "We're going to see a movie!"Gerard said with a look to say isn't it obvious. "What movie?"I asked. "Uh, it's not decided yet?"he said. I looked at my choices. Incredibles 2 or Christopher Robin. It was a tough decision.

I couldn't wait for Halloween, that was when the good Halloween movies were out that I loved. We took a vote. Christopher Robin it is. Gerard bought a large popcorn and drinks for all of us. I also got some gummy worms and M&M's.

The movie was really good. When we left, however, I felt like someone was following us or that I was being watched. It couldn't be them already, could it? I looked behind me but I didn't see anything. "What's wrong, Ry Row?"Mikey asked. "Nothing,"I said and stayed closer to the guys.

We went to a 7/11 to grab a pizza and some snacks. I walked outside while they paid. I didn't think anything bad would happen just outside the door. All of a sudden, someone grabbed me from behind and put a hand over my mouth to prevent me from screaming. "Not now, please not now. I'm not ready,"I thought.

Gerard, Frank, Mikey, and Ray walked outside then. I was struggling to fight my attacker off. "Hey! Let go of her!"Frank yelled. Gerard didn't even hesitate before he dropped the pizza and ran to my side. I hoped there wasn't a gun. I couldn't bare to see someone else get shot or killed.

"He said let go of her!"Gerard said as he came closer. His tone of voice told me he wasn't messing around. I heard the attacker's evil laugh from behind me as I still struggled. I was on the verge of a panic attack and I was trying to breathe. This is why I don't like leaving the house.

Gerard managed to free me from the attacker. The guy tried to punch him but Gerard was faster. Gerard managed to knock him out. "Let's go!"he said. I was shaking like a leaf. Frank picked me up and carried me to the car. We piled into the car and forgot about the dropped snacks. Mikey had one bag, the rest was unimportant, we had to get away.

I was leaning into Frank's shoulder and about to fall asleep when I heard sirens. There were blue lights behind us. Gerard pulled over and we thought they would go past. Instead, we were surrounded by police cars in a matter of seconds. "Police! Slowly exit from the vehicle with your hands raised!"they shouted. I looked at the guys around me with wide eyes.

They looked back at me and slowly Gerard nodded as he opened his door and climbed out. We all followed suit and hoped it was just a misunderstanding.

Several officers came over and cuffed us. They hurt and I almost cried from the sheer panic of it all. We were all split up into pairs. I ended up with Mikey. Ray and Gerard were paired together. Frank was alone. He looked terrified but who could blame him? I understood that feeling all too well. We were roughly pushed into the cars. I tried to see the others but I couldn't.

Mikey tried to ask questions but they wouldn't answer as they said our rights.  A few tears fell down my face. "Ry, it's okay. We'll figure this out, don't cry,"he whispered. "NO TALKING!"the female officer yelled at us. I flinched. We were all put into one cell without cuffs, thank goodness. One officer came back.

"You get one call,"he said roughly and the guys looked to me. The officer saw and roughly pulled me out of the cell to a phone. "Make it quick!"he said. I nodded and dialed Dad's number. I hoped he answered. I heard the dial tone.

"Hello?"dad asked sleepily. "Dad! I need your help!"I said quietly but urgently. "What? Ryleigh, what's wrong? It's eleven o'clock at night,"he said anxiously. "We're at the police station. I'll tell you more when you get here,"I said. "I'm on my way,"he said.

The officers filled dad in first. We could hear the whole thing and was finally putting pieces together. He saw us. "Ryleigh!"he yelled. "Dad!"I said jumping up. "Officers, this is just a misunderstanding,"dad said. "Are you sure?"they asked. He nodded.

"We received a call from a woman who said that the girl was kidnapped by four men and her father was knocked out,"one of the officers said skeptically. "I can assure you, that was not true. The girl there is my daughter, Ryleigh. I adopted her a long time ago,"he said. The officer shrugged and gestured with her head for the other officer to let us out. I ran to dad and hugged him. "Let's go!"he said.

We piled into the Tesla. It was oddly silent as we dropped them all off at Gerard's. He'd hopefully get his car back tomorrow. The radio playing softly was the only noise on the way home. I could feel a tension in the air. The lights were on in the living room which told me mom was up. We entered and dad closed the door silently. I tried to go upstairs. "Ryleigh,"he said sternly. I flinched and turned around to face him.

"Do you care to tell me what the hell happened? Do you know how bad this looks?"he yelled. I flinched. "Bren,"mom said and put a hand on his arm. He shook her off. "Exactly what they said. Only some guy grabbed me. Someone must've seen us and called. Gerard did it out of self defense, he wanted to protect me and he did. I felt like I was being watched,"I mumbled.

"Why the fuck wouldn't you tell someone and come straight home?"Dad yelled. I flinched again involuntarily. "I wanted to shake it off,"I said. "What? Did you want to be taken again? Are you not happy here? Should we take you back to the orphanage now?"dad yelled angrily.

"No! You are the ones pushing me to go back out when I have anxiety through the roof after everything that's happened! Do you even care about that?"I yelled back. I was furious now. "Why wouldn't you tell us? I have anxiety, I would've understood. Are we not good enough for you? Are you only here for the press, the money until something better comes?"dad screamed. "Screw you, Brendon!"I yelled.

The Uries (The Urie's Daughter Adopted By Brendon Urie) Book 2Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora