Stomach Tied In Knots (I)

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After the game ended, we chatted a few minutes more. Mikey, Frank, and Gerard carpooled and were wanted home so they each hugged me goodbye. Mom made macaroni and cheese in the hopes that I could eat with everyone. My throat barely hurt anymore. Dallon had to go home, too. Mike, Tyler, and Josh stayed awhile longer. Mike needed to talk business with dad since he was still learning songs. They were in his office and eventually moved to the studio.

Tyler and Josh stayed with me. We sat together on the couch with me squished in the middle. I managed to eat a small bowl of macaroni. I had never watched Divergent but I saw it and decided why not? I leaned my head against Josh's shoulder as Tyler held my feet. I got absorbed into the movie until I fell asleep.


I woke up the following morning in my bed with the sun shining through the blinds. I felt anxious but I wasn't sure why. I felt much better though. I sat up and stretched as I yawned then made my way downstairs. I found a note on the counter.

It read:

Dear Ryleigh,
I figured you'd be awake before your father. French toast is on the stove. I left to go meet Linda and Kala at the gym. I don't know what else is planned but we'll probably be gone all day. I'll see you later, lovely.
Mom xoxo

I found the French toast and left the note sit. I ate and then decided to wake dad up so I ran and jumped on the bed next to him. He didn't budge. I took the next step and grabbed a cold cup of water before dumping it over his head. He sat up straight then. "Ryleigh, what the hell?"he asked. I giggled. "I tried to wake you and it didn't work,"I said with a nonchalant shrug. "You know what you need? A hug,"dad said and moved toward me.

I take off running for the stairs. I wasn't fast enough. He wraps me up in his arms, wet pajamas included. "Mom's out,"I said. "We'll make it a father daughter day,"dad said. I nodded. "Get changed, we're going out,"dad said. I ran upstairs. I grabbed a long sleeve twenty one pilots shirt and dark skinny jeans. I topped it off with a pair of black converse. I put a red beanie on my head to complement the outfit.

I met dad in the kitchen 10 minutes later, after doing my makeup. He finished his coffee and grabbed the car keys. "Where to first?"he asked. "The mall?"I asked. Dad nodded and started to back out of the driveway.

We were halfway to the mall when his phone rang. I answered it. "Hello?"I asked. "Ryleigh, I broke down along the road. Can you and your father come get me?"she asked worriedly. "Yeah, sure, mom. No worries. Where are you?"I replied. She gave me directions and I relayed everything over to dad. He changed our course.

We pulled up at a stoplight. We were only there for a moment before it turned green. Dad started to drive again. By the time I saw the van I didn't even have time to scream and dad couldn't stop. It slammed into dad's side of the car. I didn't feel much of anything at first. Everything passed quickly in a succession of white then black. I must've only been out for a few minutes. I could only hope that someone called 911.

I couldn't find my phone or dad's. It was then I felt the unbearable pain and let out a scream. I looked over at dad. He was unconscious over the steering wheel. Blood was running down his face and the steering wheel was pressed against his chest. I started to cry then. I didn't know if he was alive or not. I tried screaming his name but my tears made it unintelligible.

I couldn't quite remember what was happening only that there was an accident. The much was obvious. My head and neck hurt. Everything hurt. I couldn't think straight. I heard screaming and forced my eyes open. It was Ryleigh. "Ry,"I croaked. She stopped screaming but the tears kept running down her face. "It'll be okay,"I said and forced my right hand to move.

She gripped my hand tightly. It was like her lifeline. Something wet and sticky was running down my face. I managed to bring my almost numb left arm up to feel it and looked at my fingers. They were covered in blood. The steering wheel was shoved into my chest. Everything was kind of numb. I couldn't feel pain.

I managed to turn my head slightly despite the screaming pain in my neck, the only pain I felt. I had to hold back my vomit as I took in Ryleigh and the sight of her leg. It was at an odd, unnatural angle with the bone sticking out and blood was everywhere. I fought to stay conscious. I heard sirens. It wouldn't be long now. "Ryleigh, take deep breaths for me. It'll be okay,"I reassured her.

She nodded and sucked in deep breath after deep breath. A medic ran suddenly by my window. "We need help in here!"I shouted as loud as I could manage. I was desperate. Something was seriously wrong. The medic turned to look my way and came running back.

"How badly are you hurt?"he asked and took in Ryleigh's leg. "We're gonna get you out,"he said and pulled back from our crushed, totaled car to yell for help. "Just hang in there, it's gonna be okay,"he said. I nodded and fought unconsciousness. I had to stay awake. A firefighter came over with the Jaws of Life. He was about to start on my side.

"No, do her first,"I breathed heavily. They exchanged a look, the medic and the firefighter. "Are you sure, sir?"the firefighter asked. I nodded. Ryleigh was easily accessible. It had to be the right choice, right?

The Uries (The Urie's Daughter Adopted By Brendon Urie) Book 2Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ