My Blood

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Dallon left in a hurry and told Ryan to call security. I panicked and followed a ways behind them. I got outside when I heard Dallon scream no. Ryleigh was unconscious. The guy was holding her still body up. We couldn't see his face. He was pointing a gun at Dallon. Security just arrived. I couldn't lose her again. Not like this, we just got her back.

"Stay back or I'll hurt you and kill her,"he warned. Dallon held his hands up and distracted him by getting him to talk as security tried an advance. He gave a slight nod to security. We hoped the guy didn't notice but he did. He swung the gun around wildly."You lied!"he screamed and shook the gun at Dallon.

Dallon jumped at the man. He wanted to knock the gun away to save us all. Instead, though, the man pulled the trigger. Dallon fell to the ground wounded. Blood was starting to pool beneath him as I ran his way. "No, Dallon!"I yelled. Security managed to use the momentary distraction to get the guy as I made it to Dallon. "No, no, no!"I said and pressed my hand to the bloody wound on his chest. "You stay with me!"I screamed as my tears began to fall.

Everyone else was surrounding us and crying or in shock or both. Sarah was on the phone with EMS. Gerard, Tyler, Josh, and Frank were with Ryleigh who was still unconscious for now. "They're almost here, hang in there, Dallon,"Sarah pleaded. "Who was he? Why, Ryleigh?"he choked out. "Shh! Don't talk,"Sarah said. I was holding pressure on the bloody wound. "I'm gonna find out. Just stay alive for me. Please, Dallon,"I begged.

EMS just arrived. There was one ambulance. Slowly, his eyes closed and I sobbed. EMS took over for me. I stumbled to Ryleigh's side. I stroked her hair. "Oh, Ry!"I cried. The shock of it all became too much and I blacked out.

I made it outside too late. Not only did Ryleigh get hurt but so did Dallon. I stayed at Ryleigh's side while Brendon was with Dallon. EMS took Dallon from Brendon and he made his way toward us. He was unsteady and crying. The shock must've been too much because he blacked out. Gerard, Tyler, Josh, and I shared a look. I went with Ryleigh and Dallon in the ambulance.

They stayed to help Sarah, Zack, and everyone else. They would be there for Brendon when he woke up and then they would be at the hospital. There was one stretcher so they gave it to Dallon. They checked Ryleigh's pulse. It was slow and her breathing was kind of slow and labored. They started her on oxygen and I held her small body close to me as they checked her over. He drugged her with something.

They were going to run tests at the hospital to see what exactly it was. Their main focus was Dallon. He was still unconcious and lost a good amount of blood. He took a bullet for her. I knew any of us would but I wish it hadn't come to that. I mainly want to know who that guy was and what the hell he wanted with Ryleigh.

She stirred a little in my lap and I pulled her close. She wrapped her arms around my neck. The medic looked up at me. "I think she's coming to,"I said. He nodded and went back to keeping an eye on Dallon and trying to slow the bleeding. I carried her into the hospital. They rushed Dallon off somewhere and I was taken to an emergency room. I sat on the bed with her on my lap. I was afraid to sit her down. I didn't want her to disappear or break.

A nurse came in and collected a pint of blood for testing. They gave her an IV in hopes that it would get whatever it was out of her system or weaken it. I kept her on my lap and laid back. She snuggled into my chest.

"Ryleigh?"I asked softly. "Hmm?"she hummed and blearily blinked her eyes open. She sat up and looked at me. "Oh my God! Frank, where's Dallon? Is he okay? Where is the man at?"she yelled. "Calm down, Ryleigh, they aren't entirely sure what he drugged you with,"I said and tried to pull her back to me. She fought me and I let her go.

"Where Dallon?"she asked again, more insistent. I was afraid to tell her. She stood up and right as I was about to speak a doctor came in. "Ms. Urie, you shouldn't be walking around yet,"the nurse scolded. The doctor dismissed her with a wave of her hand. "Hello, Ryleigh, how are you feeling?"the doctor spoke softly. "I'm fine. Where's Dallon? Is he okay? Someone tell me what the hell is going on,"she demanded.

"You were drugged. We found a sedative that had been injected into your system. You were really, really lucky. They gave you just a bit much which is why you blacked out the way you did. Had it been more, I'm afraid that we wouldn't be having this conversation and you would have found yourself in the morgue,"the doctor said. I nodded. Ryleigh looked at her with wild eyes. She was tired of being ignored.

"Your friend is in surgery right now. I can take you up to him but it's going to be a little while. I'll check in and let you know but I'm sure he's doing okay,"she said. "Can I have a word with you outside, Mr. Iero?"she asked with a pointed look. I nodded and followed her outside and out of Ryleigh's earshot. "Do you know where her parents are?"she asked right away.

"They're on their way. Her dad passed out from the shock of it all,"I answered tiredly. I was getting real damn tired of being in the hospital all the fucking time. She nodded. "How's Dallon doing? The truth, please,"I spoke.

The Uries (The Urie's Daughter Adopted By Brendon Urie) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now