My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark

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Dad finished up in what felt like minutes to me. I know it was at least an hour but it didn't feel like it. He came back in. I waited an extra thirty minutes to make sure I wouldn't be seen. I threw my bass over my shoulder and put in one earpiece. All Time Low, Pierce The Veil, Sleeping With Sirens, Panic! At The Disco, Twenty One Pilots, and My Chemical Romance followed me. I think they were even more nervous than I felt. I heard Patrick talking to the audience as Pete adjusted his bass tuning quick. I turned to a stage crew member. "Right before they start, can you lower the lights?"I asked. The younger girl who was in her mid twenties nodded her head and gave me a thumbs up.

Patrick was just about to start when the lights went out. "What the heck?"he asked into the mic as the audience cheered. I saw Pete, Joe, Andy, and Patrick share a look. I didn't waste any time as I launched into the opening. Dad and Dallon came out behind me and started singing. Dallon was playing bass along with me. Ryan played guitar as the lights came back up.

Twenty One Pilots and All Time Low sat on the edge of the stage. Sleeping With Sirens and Pierce The Veil sang and danced along. My Chemical Romance stood on the side stage since they hadn't performed yet and didn't want to distract the audience since they hadn't performed in 5 years. We finished up. Dad and I looked at each other and laughed. It was a crazy feeling. Dallon slung an arm around my shoulders and squeezed me to him. For reasons I couldn't explain, I was shaking like a leaf.

Pete and the Fall Out Boy guys all laughed. "I guess the Prank Wars have begun!"Tyler said into a mic and caused the audience to laugh. I went back with the guys so the show could go on. I was standing side stage watching My Chemical Romance when someone came up behind me and put a hand over my mouth. "Shh..."they said as I tried to scream. No one on stage was watching because they were lost in their performance. I looked around in a panic. Dad and the others were in their dressing rooms.

"Now listen very clearly. Don't scream or make any sudden moves. No one can help you and if you do, I swear to god I will not hesitate to kill you and all of your little band family,"the menacing voice spoke into my ear.

I whimpered. He started to drag me away. He had a gun in the waistband of his jeans. I should stay quiet but I needed to find out what he wanted and who he was. "Wh--wh--who a--ar--are yo--you?"I stuttered. "No one to worry your pretty little mind about,"he said. I couldn't see his face. "Wha---what d---do y--yo---you wa---nt with m---me?"I asked. He stayed silent as he dragged me along.

I managed to sneak a glimpse in Panic!'s dressing room and Dallon met my gaze. I tried to mouth for him to help me. He nodded. He knew something was wrong. I just didn't want them to get hurt because of me. I wasn't worth it. Dallon stayed in the shadows as I noticed him following behind us. We were almost outside and then no one could help us. I let out a shrill scream.

"You bitch! I warned you,"he said and kicked the back of my knees. They gave out and I fell to my knees. He pulled out a long syringe. "No!"Dallon yelled. I could only watch sadly for a moment as Dallon and security made their way to us. A sharp pinch, a faint burning and then my vision swam before my head was too heavy to hold and everything went black.

Ryleigh decided she wanted to watch My Chemical Romance side stage. We went to the dressing room with everyone else. I felt anxious. I kept hearing this weak whimper and happened to look out the little window in the door to the dressing room. Ryleigh was being dragged by some man and mouthed help to me.

I called quietly to Ryan, "Call security now!" "What? Why?"he asked. "Just do it, Ryan,"I said and silently made it into the hall. I stayed behind them in the shadows. She let out a shrill scream just as we were getting outside. He said something and kicked the back of her knees. She fell to her knees as they gave out. I'm pretty sure I saw a gun in his waistband. What the hell? He pulled out a long syringe.

"No!"I yelled. I made my way toward her. She fell unconscious. A gun was held at me. "Stay back or I'll hurt you and kill her,"he warned. Security was here now. I put my hands up. We just got her back, we couldn't lose her again. I distracted him by getting him to talk as security tried an advance.

"You lied!"he screamed and shook the gun at me. I was afraid, sure, but I saw everyone crowding behind me. I knew that in order to save Ryleigh and protect them I could do one thing.

I tried not to think as I jumped at the man. Instead of knocking the gun away, he pulled the trigger. It hurt pretty badly and I fell to the ground injured. "No, Dallon!"Brendon yelled. Security managed to get the guy as Brendon ran to my side. "No, no, no!"Brendon said and pressed his hand to the bloody wound on my chest. "You stay with me!"he screamed.

Everyone else was surrounding us and crying. Sarah was on the phone with EMS. Gerard, Tyler, Josh, and Frank were with Ryleigh who was still unconscious for now. "They're almost here, hang in there, Dallon,"Sarah pleaded. "Who was he? Why, Ryleigh?"I choked out. "Shh! Don't talk,"Sarah said.

Brendon was holding pressure on the bloody wound. "I'm gonna find out. Just stay alive for me. Please, Dallon,"Brendon begged. EMS just arrived. There was only one ambulance. Slowly, my eyes closed and the last thing I heard was Brendon's sob.

A/N: Hey y'all! I'm sorry this update took so long and if you read Everything Opposite I apologize those are slower. I just started my senior year of marching band and life has been crazy I've been feeling weighed down but I'm trying to be better I swear. Much love!

B 7/24/19

The Uries (The Urie's Daughter Adopted By Brendon Urie) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now