2. You really should fasten your seatbelt

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So very sorry for the super late update. I have been busy with my classes, and then taking finals, and then everything that comes with the holidays. I'll be doing my best to get back on a regular updating schedule since my next classes wont be as hard when they finally start up.

Again, I apologize for the lack of updates.

And Catching the Storm will be updated very soon as well.

Merry Christmas

Everly's POV

I waited until we were high enough in the air and far enough away from the mercenaries before I turned my attention off the forest below and to the girl with the neon green hair who had now taken a seat across from me, laid a rifle across her lap and stuck a lollipop in her mouth.

Agent 57. Lillianna Marshal, but she preferred to be called Lily. Her hair was always some bright shade of one color or another, Her eyes full of mischief, and her smile full of devilish intent. She was wild, crazy, had a knack for explosives, and was an all-around happy person. Somehow, she was my best friend. She was also one of six of the agents that made up Delta team 2.

I had first worked with Delta team 2 almost two years ago now and had since joined them on a few missions over the last year or so. We'd kept in touch, but I hadn't seen them since before this mission had started. Seemed like Zero had sent them to come to my aid.

"Just a thought," I said as she removed her sunglasses and tucked them into a pocket in her jacket. "but maybe next time you come to rescue someone from a top-secret undercover mission, you don't show up with neon green hair."

She rolled her emerald green eyes. "I wore camouflage," She said as she gestured to the cargo pants and jacket she was wearing. "It cancels out the hair."

"Then what cancels out the shoes?" A voice shouted from the cockpit of the helicopter.

I looked down at the shining gold boots on her feet with spikes all over the end. It didn't surprise me. Personally, the only part of the shoes that did surprise me, was that they weren't heels. She was usually always wearing heels.

Lily scowled and reached her arm into the cockpit so he could see that she was flipping him off. He returned the gesture.

There was a laugh from beside me and I turned to the man with curly blond hair falling into his blue eyes. He brushed it back and smiled at me. "Good to see you," He said.

I couldn't help but smile back. "Yeah, it's been a while."

Agent 22. Devin Kessler. Another member of Delta 2 and Chief Zero's son. A fact known to only a few. In fact, the rest of his team members-with the exception of Lily-had no idea that Zero was his father and he wanted to keep it that way despite my telling him that they were all going to find out eventually. He had a personality a lot like Lily's but not quite to her extreme. And to everyone's horror and many protests, the two of them had started dating and had been for nearly a year now.

"Are you going to help me out in here?" The familiar voice called from the cockpit. "I could use a co-pilot who's not determined to try and make the helicopter do Loops like a rollercoaster."

I laughed and Lily just shrugged innocently. "What other way is there to fly a helicopter?" She asked.

I shook my head with a smile and climbed into the cockpit, taking the empty seat beside Jason.

"Since when do you know how to pilot a helicopter?" I asked him.

"Since this morning," He replied with a straight face. "And already I'm a better pilot than Lily." Lily shouted her protests. Jason's lips twitched as he tried to continue to keep a straight face.

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