14. I could knock him out

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I was a little busy today, so this update came a little late. Well, it's late for me at least.

Anyway, enjoy!

Everly's POV

We were up all night, then all day. And it was night once more. Everyone had taken breaks to get some sleep, leaving the conference room to head back to Gamma 12's sleeping rooms for a few hours at a time.

Currently, Eric and Tess had gone back to the rooms to get some rest and Alejandra had gone to pick up some more food and water from the cafeteria. Ian, Noelle, Ryan, and I were still looking over things.

We'd come up with a few leads, all of which had turned out to be dead ends so far, and we were now running out of ideas.

Nicky was able to pull all the security footage from the hard drive I had given her and had sent it all to me about an hour ago. Since then, my eyes had been glued to the computer screen as I sped up, slowed down, and went over the footage. A few things had stood out as odd to me, but nothing was jumping out.

I took a second to pause the footage and rub at my eyes. I let out a sigh as I looked at the time. Just after midnight. We were running out of time to find Agent 34 alive, and yet, I could find nothing. I double checked everything. Every file pertaining to the missing agents. Every file about the mercenaries.

"They've been taken in threes," Ryan suddenly said.

We all turned to look at him.

He held up the slip of paper with all the numbers of the missing agents on it. "I checked all the dates the agents went missing. Three every month for the past year."

Ian shook his head. "That's too many."

"How many of them have turned up?" I asked him.

Ryan just kind of stared down at the paper in his hands for a minute. "All except five of them, that's not including Melanie though."

"If three of them disappear a month," Noelle said. "I hate to even bring it up, but Melanie's only the first one this month."

I ran a hand down my face. "Is there some sort of pattern between the agents that have already been taken?" I asked Ryan.

He shook his head. "Not that I can see, but I'll keep looking."

I looked back at my computer screen, just in time to notice something. "Hey Ian," I said.

He looked up from his computer to me. "What?"

"You still have that footage pulled up from the week before?" I asked him.


"Show it to me," I said.

He picked up the laptop and moved from his seat, taking the seat beside me.

"What are you looking for?" He asked me as I began playing the footage.

I sped up the footage and then paused it quickly. "That," I replied as I pointed to the black van driving down the street outside my building.

Ian just kind of frowned. "There were several vans coming and going since the building was having repairs done," Ian told me. "What makes that one different?"

"Because that was the only one parked on the street surveilling the building for two weeks before the repairs ever started. Once the repairs started, the only time you see that van is once the week before your agent went missing and then the day she went missing."

Ian began enhancing the footage. "There's the license plate," He said when he finally got it cleared up.

Noelle had moved to stand behind him, and once he finished getting the license plate number she leaned over and began running it through the agency's programs.

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