27. Best of luck

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Quick announcement at the end of this chapter regarding discord server. I do have it mostly done, but will not be posting the invite/link anywhere until after I've finalized a few things.

Also, I did get a message expressing concern in regards to the discord server as the person had heard some very negative things about discord. Ultimately I don't want anyone to feel uncomfortable, so if you don't want to join the server you do not have to. You don't need to feel pressured to. I honestly do not know a whole lot about discord to say yes it is a negative place or no it is not. Still, it was suggested that I make a tumblr so people could post aesthetics there.

I am open to this idea as well if anyone is interested or prefers to use tumblr over discord. I don't want anyone feeling left out in this if they want to be part of conversing with others, except through a different platform. That's totally fine. However, I know even less about tumblr than I do about discord. So, if this is something that people would like, let me know and I will set something up, however, it will likely take me much longer.

Anyway, enjoy the chapter!

Lydia's POV

The text was the only thing on my phone screen. I didn't dare respond to it, however, until I was outside my sister's house and safely in my own car.

As soon as I shut the car door, I dialed the number of the person who texted me. "Talk to me," I said as soon as he answered.

"We know which team the agent is on," Nathan told me. "We just don't know which agent it is. We also know that the team is currently on a mission. Sebastian is working on narrowing down exactly where."

"Tell him to hurry up with that," I replied. "I'm on my way back. I'll be there in around six hours."

"We'll be waiting," Nathan replied. "We also cleared out the rest of the maze. Dead mercenaries and all. Got some more armor and weapons out of it."

"Good." I started the car and hooked up my phone to the Bluetooth. "Make sure the helmets and armor are in working condition, we need to replace the last ones you trashed."

"I didn't trash anything," He responded immediately. "And we would have had more of the armor and helmets if the trap you'd set for the mercenaries had actually worked."

I glared at the phone, wishing I could reach through and beat him bloody. "It did work and would have continued to work if my sister's meddling boyfriend hadn't fallen for the same trap and killed the mercenary that was investigating Hayden's untimely demise."

There was a scoff on the other end of the line. "Yeah, sure," He replied dubiously.

More than I ever I was wishing he was right beside me so I could punch him. "You know," I spoke calmly despite the rage burning inside. "You get bolder when you speak to me over the phone."

I could practically hear the smile in his voice as he responded.

"That's cause you can't do jack shit to me through a phone," There was a pause and I just knew what he was about to say.

"Don't say it," I warned him.

I could hear him let out a long sigh. "You know," He said. "You make it very hard to like you. I mean, I'd consider myself your friend, except that I don't like you. I put up with you though . . . most of the time"

"I'll take your words under consideration."

Another sigh. "No, you won't. Waiting here for you, Lydia." There was a click as he hung up.

I tossed the phone onto the seat next to me in annoyance and went to pull out of the driveway, only to swear and hit the brakes before I'd moved even a foot.

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