35. You're still charming, I see

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I'm considering entering a romance writing contest. Good idea or no? It would obviously be secondary to updating this book, and the contest doesn't end until November, so I'm considering it. We'll see I guess.

Lydia's POV

"I'm not you," I hissed out in a breath of pain before slamming my fist into her face. Her head hit the ground and I watched as her eyes rolled into the back of her head as she slipped into unconsciousness. I shoved off of her and tried to get to my feet.

I failed.

I stumbled back down to my knees. I looked up as the room began to spin. Cursed out the agent on the floor for what she'd done. I tried once more to get to my feet. I still couldn't.

My vision was blurring, my head was pounding, and the entire room looked like it was tilting. This was so not good.

She'd done some serious damage when she'd stuck that stupid collar around my leg. Not that she knew it. Not that I'd ever let her know. If she'd put it around my neck, like how it was meant to go . . . well, there would be bigger problems.

Sebastian, I changed my mind. I am going to string you up.

The desk, I thought as I tried and failed to focus on the blob of a brown object. Just get to the desk. To the button. That was a lot easier said than done.

I was on my hands and knees, crawling my way across the floor. I would have called out if I thought anyone would hear me. If I thought that I could actually call out.

My hands fumbled at the desk as I tried to pull myself to my feet, using the desk as a brace. Only pausing as something wet dripped down my face.

I reached a shaky hand up and wiped at my nose, my fingers covered in blood as I pulled them back.

"Shit," I muttered as I continued to fumble across the desk, my hands slamming down on every part of the surface, looking for the button.

I slipped. Fell backward onto the ground and was staring up at the lights on the ceiling while everything was spinning.

I suppose I must have hit the button. Must have found it in my fumbling state. Because one second there was nothing above me but the ceiling and then I closed my eyes for a moment, trying to get the spinning to stop. I suppose it could have been longer than a moment. I wasn't too sure, but the next second I opened my eyes, Sebastian was leaning over me.

His lips were moving. He was saying something to me. Something I couldn't make out. Something I couldn't hear. It was like the entire world had faded out. I closed my eyes again, watched as he shook his head as I did so, and everything went black.

That was a week ago.

Ever since then, I'd been in bed, counting down the seconds and feeling more and more murderous with each passing day.

I hated this feeling. Hated feeling weak. Hated needing someone to take care of me.

Sebastian sucked at it anyway. That man was a genius in his own right, but a total idiot when it actually came to people. It was a miracle he was even still alive. Not because of his chosen line of work, but because he consistently seemed to forget what a human body needed to function.

Just last month he had to be admitted to a hospital because he was dehydrated. The man sits at a computer most days and he forgot to drink some damn water every now and again. As it was, the only food I'd ever seen him eat were instant noodles, donuts, and gummy worms. It was a miracle dehydration was the only thing wrong with him.

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