Chapter 22: Life and Death

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"Commander, shall I sound the alarm?" I heard Ricard's voice call from behind, sounding more serious than I have ever heard from him before.

"No, I don't think that's necessary."

"What? Why not?" I turned to Syren, shock clear on my face. "You know who that man is right?"

"Yes but I also know that he is here alone and unarmed against a kingdom with an army." She grabbed my hand and led me to the front gate.

Garrett was already surrounded by Protectors, each one with their weapons pointed at the leader. I could've sworn I heard them growl.

The distressed crowd of monsters hushed as the sound of rushing wind grew closer and closer until it stopped and Zyire landed with the grace expected of a king. However this wasn't a Zyire I recognised. His childish personality and overall positive outlook on life was long gone as he stared at Garrett like a predator would stare at its prey.

"You have some nerve entering my kingdom." The King's voice boomed menacingly which sent a chill down my spine. I hadn't noticed that I had gripped Syren's hand tighter until I felt her thumb rub circles into my palm, as if to reassure me that she was there.

When Garrett remained silent, Zyire's anger only grew. "Did you cut out your own tongue? Speak!"

I jumped a little at the loudness of his voice. Was this really the same Zyire? The kind king who had accepted me with open arms? 

All I knew in that moment was that there was more to Zyire than his childlike excitement for the world. A lot more.

He was the king for a reason.

"Commander Syren!" Zyire called and Syren let go of my hand and dropped to one knee.

"At your service."

"Escort the human down to the dungeons. See to it that he has no contact with anyone I don't know."

"As you command." Syren stood and carried out her orders with the efficiency expected of a Commander. I watched as she left with Garrett and once they were out of sight, King Zyire took to the skies and disappeared into the night. 

Rose stood beside me in silence as we stared into empty space, trying to process everything that had happened over the past twenty four hours.

Not only was there murderous humans out to kill everybody but now Garrett walked willingly into his enemies clutches.

Nothing made sense. Not a single thing.

I was brought out of my dark thoughts when a familiar voice approached me and my best friend.

"Rose, I need to show you where you'll be staying." Leixa motioned for her to follow. "So if you'll come with me. It's been a stressful day for you and you need to rest."

"Uh yeah, sure." Rose sounded dumbfounded and she stumbled after her monster counterpart.

An hour later and I was sitting in silence in Syren's apartment, not daring to look out of the window for fear of what I might see through the darkness.

It didn't feel real. I kept thinking I would wake up like I had this morning with Syren wrapped around me and be thankful that this was all a dream. But it wasn't.

It was a real life nightmare.

I had so many questions but my biggest one was why did Garrett show up and not stay with his son? Why did he walk all the way here knowing he would get captured and thrown in a cell?

There was only one way to find out.

A minute later the door opened.

"Can we not have a peaceful moment for five minutes?" Syren ranted to herself as she shut the door. "That's all I ask. Five minutes of not worrying about raging humans trying to kill my race."

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