My Return

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Hello (to anyone who still cares/may remember me or this story),

Wow, it's been quite a while. I won't lie, it feels incredibly weird to log back into Wattpad after almost 3 years. A part of me wondered if I ever would. 

My life has changed so drastically since we last met. I did a gap year, fell in love, fell out of love, made new friends and lost some old ones, gathered new perspectives on life and figured out roughly what I want to do with mine, and now I'm in my final year of university facing my upcoming graduation. 

I'm proud to say I'm the happiest I've ever been. 

That leaves one question - what will happen to this account and my stories? Truthfully during my absence I did think about quitting. I didn't see the point anymore and I lost a lot of love for my stories to the point where it pained me to look at them. I think between the last update and this, it took me roughly 2 years to start writing again. At the end of last year, I started a tumblr account to write shitty fanfiction (I'm not sure any of you would know this but this account used to be a fanfiction account) and it made me fall back in love with writing again. It was also around that time that the long buried stories in my mind rose to the surface, demanding attention. 

It was then that I realised how much I missed my Wattpad days. I missed writing, the excitement to share what's in my head, the happiness I felt to watch my characters come to life, the sheer joy I got when I read your comments, the smile that was put on my face whenever someone mentioned how much they love what I write. I missed it all. I still do. 

When I finally logged back into my account today, I was hit with a wave of nostalgia and reading all your sweet comments on my previous post, I knew I had to return.

While I currently cannot write anything as I am facing exams that will determine my degree, I can say with great pride and joy that I will be returning hopefully within the next few months with the new version of this story and potentially some other ones that I've been fantasising about (heres a hint: I hope you like vampires and dragons).

I don't expect many, if any, of my former readers to remember me and this story but even if one person is still waiting, then I hope you didn't have to wait too long and I can't wait for you to read what's coming and to interact with you. 

Thanks so much <3

- Heather

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