Chapter 7: Syren

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The next morning, I awoke alone. It took a while for my eyes to adjust to the early sunlight as I was in a deep sleep but once they focused, I looked around. My monster was nowhere in sight.

Remembering the previous nights events, I glanced down at my body and was surprised to see my clothes covering most of my torso like a blanket. On one hand I was kind of freaked out but on the other hand I appreciated the sweet gesture.

By the time I was dressed and had splashed my face with water, the Protector could be seen walking back towards our makeshift camp.

"Where did you go?" I asked once she was near enough that I would be able to hear her reply.

"Just scouting ahead to see if there's a way up to the surface." She then held out her hands which were filled with brightly coloured berries. "I also found you breakfast."

I narrowed my eyes, "How do I know you haven't poisoned them?"

"You still don't trust me do you?" She sighed then ate a berry to prove her point. "See, they're fine."

Embarrassed, I mumbled a quick "thanks" before taking the berries. It was the first time in my entire life that I've had something other than porridge for breakfast.

When I was nearly finished, my saviour turned to me.

"Do you still want to learn how to use this?" She gestured to her spear. Grinning, I nodded enthusiastically and hopped up from my log. Stuffing my mouth with the remaining berries, I walked over to her.

She laughed as soon as she saw my cheeks. "I'm going to wait for you to finish those before we get started."

A few minutes later and my monster had kicked up her weapon with her boot and caught it in the air. Woah, I was not expecting that.

"Bear in mind that the spear is not everyone's choice. Most Protectors don't use the spear."

"Why's that?"

"Every person, no matter human or monster, always have a personal preference when it comes to weapons. My preference just happens to be the spear." She shrugged as she handed her weapon to me.

I took it cautiously. The first thing I noticed was how heavy it actually was, so much so that I nearly toppled forwards. It was definitely made of a strong metal, long and slender. The spearhead had spikes along the edges, and the blade looked freshly sharpened. A true warriors weapon. Upon closer observation, I noticed little carvings along the hilt. Decorative lines and symbols curled their way up and down the spear.

Tracing one particular spiral with my finger, I asked, "Did you do these?"

"Yeah, over the years."

"Do they mean anything?" I looked up as she walked closer to me.

My saviour pointed out a faded carving in the shape of a rather large spiral. "I did this one when I first became a Protector, and this one," She pointed to a smaller spiral which was connected to the larger one. "I did when I was made one of the Kings personal guards."

"They're beautiful." I mumbled, looking at all the carvings which were memories for her. My eyes found a particularly new one the second she said, "Thank you."

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