the final poem

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To the one i loved

this is the final poem i write for you,

i won't say thank you for teaching me to love

because you also taught me pain

but i'll say thank you for letting me love you

i know I've always held a complaint against you because you didn't stop me

from loving you but now with time i realise  

loving you is what has gotten me here,

the love i had for you is the base of everything that's ever happened to me

and i know some of that is pain, the worst kind

but the other half is happiness,

utmost happiness

and i'm grateful to you for that 

i won't say i'm sorry it was you i fell in love with

but i'll say i'm glad it was you

so when you feel down

like your world is crumbling,

i want you to remember

you meant the world to someone at a time and you may not now 

to that same girl,

but now your memories are the ones she cherishes the most

so don't be sad


remember how you used to?

smile like that, with your eyes shining

she loved that on you

To the one i loved,

this is the final thing i want you to know

I've moved on,

i got up after your heartbreak and 

i learnt to love after you too

but i never fell for anyone as i did for you

so thank you 

for showing me what it felt like to love when I never knew how

When There Was Me And You | Part 1حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن