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Boys like you

ruin girls like her

taking her feelings for granted

you forgot she was also human

the loyalty she had reserved for you-

you took advantage

although you weren't together

you had your arguments

like couple's do,

a million times you hurt her

but you kept up your tactics

of becoming her number one priority,

your ways of leading her on ongoing;

'look her in the eyes, 

make sure your arm brushes hers,

get her heart racing'

a continues cycle going and going

she wasn't looking for love

but she found you,

a boy who's eyes held hers

like a delicate flower

and then you turned around and ripped

her petals apart so slowly.

You were the boy who's gaze mesmerized her

every second

and she fell in love with you anyway:

the first thought in her mind

the last thought before she slept,

you invaded her brain and heart

you became the centre of her life-

she smiled when you smiled

she cried when you cried

your absence to her was worse

than anything

but she held onto your stamped image in her mind

telling herself just one more day before her heart

could feel at ease.

and what did you do?

play your games, turn the tables

blame it on her.

Reputation to you was far more important

but then you became a completely changed person 

when it was just you and her.

Assure her it's okay 

and then act like it's not;

make her feel worse than she already does,

make her see her imperfections in the clear-

make her seem like she's not enough.

Your games never stopped

she didn't deserve it

a million times you hurt her

and then the day you snatched her heart

right from her chest

unweaving every thread

she had sewn together to gradually heal-

you pulled each apart 

and she didn't understand;

your comforting words

your ignorance

your differing actions-

all she ever asked

was for you to be honest.


although i did say 'boys like you', it can be 'girls like you' too because guys aren't the only ones who break hearts right

When There Was Me And You | Part 1Where stories live. Discover now