somewhere early in 2016

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one of my first ever poems, which means it WILL be cliche

I want to see stars in the day, i don't want to sleep at night

every moment, i want to have you in mind...

when i look at you, i want to feel like you're the only one in my life;

I want to be able to get lost in your eyes,

point you out in a crowd of hundreds,

say your name a thousand times and never get tired 

I want to glance at you and miraculously 

you're the only person i don't want to take my eyes off,

I want to talk to you till i sleep,

spend every moment with you till i learn

everything there is to you,

I want to share my thoughts and opinions till 

we're close like family

Kiss your forehead and make you smile,

hug you from behind and make you laugh.

I want to travel the world with you,

soar the open skies whilst discussing our dreams and goals;

I want to become the best friend for you,

be there whenever you need me, there to hold you up everytime

But it's all just what i wish

it doesn't happen in real life


soo? tbh it's not bad for someone who just started. But then it's also everything someone would say who's just began to like someone. extremely. I also think this was when we were friends at first and i started seeing him in a more open perspective// Anyway your ideas?

When There Was Me And You | Part 1Where stories live. Discover now