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Sometimes I don't remember

how it felt

the last time you looked at me the way you do

until you do it one more time

and everytime it happens

I feel myself falling for you a little more

every day

and although I always knew it was your eyes that got me the first time

even though they are just a chocolate brown, there's something about them

and looking right into your eyes each time

feels so familiar but so new

maybe because you've started giving me that intense look 

that only you seem to pull off

like you used to

and maybe because I look back at you

like just being around each other is all it takes

to make me happy

or maybe it's just a different look altogether

the one where you begin to like someone

and they make your eyes shine

the irresistible smile that decorates your face

when on a dull morning, you see the one you feel yourself growing feelings for;

what if it's the starting stages all over again?

and I don't think you've realised 

but it physically aches

to face each other a mile away but not to be able to touch you

and I don't know how it's possible

to look so good

without even trying like you do everytime

and I hate to see you sad 

it breaks me little by little

knowing there's something that's got you down

and I can't console you

I can't hold you

and be the person you need to let it out too

and when i'm crying at the edge of my bed; I want to tell you too

I want you to console me 

to hold me and be the person I let it out too

And although, I know we're not on the stage that friends are at

or the stage where two lovers can tell everything too

why can't we just be together?

especially since you've always been the one

even though sometimes I decline that myself; 

it's a lie

you were everything I wanted and you still are

no one's taken your position 

you engraved your name 

with a blade that hurts so bad

but the pain is what i compromised with

along with the moments that mean the world to me 

in the process where I fell in love

with you

When There Was Me And You | Part 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora