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Reread the chapter before you read this chapter. I rewrote it. And by the way, the sequel is coming out in summer.

The flowers on the trees were falling. The soft wind carried them, and they would brush against my skin softly. It was paradise. The elks were also enjoying it, the little ones were playing, and the mothers were lying under the trees getting shade. Eric's wolf also seemed to be enjoying it. Suddenly, the tough alpha turned into a little puppy. It was adorable.

He would pounce on the flowers that would get close enough and sneeze if they got too close to his nose. I couldn't help but smile even the elk seemed to smirk and snicker at him. The alpha didn't care. He was just enjoying his life. 

"Hello my Little Elemental," the soft voice hit me like a ton of bricks. I will never forget that voice. 

"Her mate gave her a new nickname like he has the right to give my daughter a new nickname," my father said possessively of his little girl. "It's not even a good one. Little Fawn, out of all of the things he could call her. Disgraceful."

"Stop it," my mother said slapping him. The action made me smile. Even in death, my mother had control over my father's leash. 

Eric's wolf perked up at the new people and lied next to me with his belly facing up. I couldn't deny the urges and kneeled next to him and rubbed his belly. His reaction was priceless. He waged his tail and barked in contentment. 

"You'll find that in death your worries are gone and you are only left with joy. There is no pain," my aunt said. "It's why Eric is in his wolf form. It relaxes him. He can change forms at any time, but right now he wants to hear what we have to say through his wolf's eyes."

"When the Spirit of Life and the Spirit of Death were fading, they both choice you as their heir. And the moment you took your first breath, both forces clashed and they both gave their powers to you. That's why you have more skills than other elementals. But you developed more of Life's powers than Death's. Life can never kill, but they do have the power to take someone's choice away. Victor will live, but he can not do any more harm nor will he do anything useful. He is now just a waste of space. You did well my sweet," my mother explained. 

"Now, they elk answer to you, you will reign here, but you will still have your elements. Just like Eric will still have his wolf. Look at him, and he calls himself an alpha," my father continued for my mother. 

Eric turned his head at my father and looked him dead in the eyes while he let his tongue slip out of his mouth and started to pant. My mother laughed at Eric's boldness with my father. And I knew that I no longer have to worry about anything. 

There is no Victor and no impending death coming to get me. I only have joy and weightlessness. I have Eric and my family. And this is just the beginning.

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