Chapter Twenty-nine

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Eric lead me towards the garden. Some of the women were attending to the flowers, while their children played. It was the definition of innocence. I wish I was raised like that like, thinking that everything was okay, that there was only goodness out in the world. But that wishful thinking, something afford. 

"So this new found darkness," Eric started. "Is it really that dark."

"The telekinesis isn't that dark," I said still looking at the children playing.

"Did you ever play as a kid," he asked suddenly.

"Of course I did. I just had to watch my back, and I always to be aware of my surroundings."

"Did you know my parents were killed as well," his voice had an empty tone to it like he's still numb about it. I can relate to that feeling.

"Yes," everyone knew about it, his parents were the most beloved king and queen to ever rule, but not everyone agreed to it.

 An alpha thought that he would make a better king then Eric's father, so one night, he went out and lured them away. He then went away, while his plan fell in place. The alpha planted a bomb that would release chlorine to disorientate them. He targeted Eric first but discovered that his mother pushed him out the window. Then he had an angry mother and father to deal with. But the chlorine did its job, they inhaled too much, so eventually, he was able to kill them. But at the cost of his life, his pack attacked him before he could celebrate his victory. 

"My little sister was only one at the time, they didn't bring her. I was ten," he still sounded empty. "My mother pushed me out as soon as she felt the effects of the chlorine. She saved my life at the cost of hers."

"My mother did too. Both of my parents actually. And it never gets better, you always feel empty inside," it's true.

"I hated it when people said they're not really gone, as long as you still remember them. They're gone, and they're not coming back."

"I can agree with you on that one," we both laughed at that one. Right now, we were just two people enjoying the sun, not a care in the world. I wished it could be like this every day.

"You're like a cat," he said suddenly.

"Excuse me."

"Whenever I think you're fast asleep, you're wide awake. You always sleep with one eye open, and you can't relax."

"You're right," I sighed. "My mother tried, she really did. She didn't want me to be like this, she wanted me to play like those kids. But Victor got in the way, and once my father died, she knew that a normal childhood wasn't possible for me. I wasn't destined to be a normal kid. The world is a cruel place, and I have seen just how cruel it can be."

"Same with me," he said. "I was raised by Kai's mother, the sweet old lady that doesn't like cussing. Your aunt tried too as well but, I don't know. Everyone says she wasn't the same once your mother ran. Your aunt was just distance but she does bake great cookies."

"My mother always talked about her," I said, looking back.

"She really does miss her. You can tell."


"She needs you," he said.

"I know."

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