Chapter Twelve

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I am in the process of moving and it's crazy so I couldn't write. Again sorry. This is the chapter with the date in it and I'm already planning chapters. a_sarcastic_bookworm 

Edan had to leave since she hadn't applied to live in the pack. I didn't know how to feel about that, I was happy because I don't have more blood on my hands yet sad because she still is my best friend. I didn't have time to think about it much because Grace dragged me up to my room so she could pamper me as she calls it. 

She took my powder foundation, which I don't wear very often, and applied it to my face as well as bronzer, highlighter, and contouring. But I was surprised to find out that it didn't look over the top like I assumed it would be. I looked like a normal teenage girl. I wish I was one. 

Then came the outfit. Grace graciously left the room to let me change and when she came back in, she went ballistic. And by ballistic I mean she went all lovey-dovey and talked about how he wouldn't be able to take his eyes off me and stuff like that. I felt uncomfortable, I've never had anyone to do that with me.

The doorbell rang and thankfully my aunt was working late again so I answered it. And there he was, in all his glory. He kept it simple like me, wearing a white button-down shirt and jeans. And Grace was right, he couldn't take his eyes off me. And secretly, I couldn't either.

"You look beautiful," he said shocked. 

"You don't look that half bad either," I stated. "So are you going to take my hand or not." He snapped out of his daze and indeed took my hand and led me to his truck. Of course, it's a truck have they ever heard of a station wagon. Men. 

And so we were off. I looked out at the scenery, a habit of mine, while the radio played softly. It was peaceful. In some cases, I heard him hum lightly to a song on the radio. Again, peaceful. 

Before long, we stopped near a clearing in the woods with a gazebo. No words can describe how beautiful it is. Flowers separating the woods and the grass, fairy lights shining faintly. It was breathtaking. 

"Whatever you think you're trying to do," I said turning my head over my shoulder. "It's working." He grinned boyishly like he just won a lottery or something. He didn't look like the mean and possessive alpha. He looked normal. 

He did pick the right place though, I loved being in nature. I have to hear the birds sing, be able to watch the bees pollinate. But it also wasn't out in the middle of nowhere.

"So," he said sitting down on a bench in the gazebo," who are you."  

"You know who I am. You permitted me to live here."

"Yes, but I want to hear it from you. I can already know someone's story, but it's different hearing it from the person living it. So tell me, who are you."

"Elena Fawn White," I caved. "My mother was murdered recently and I had to move here."

"You're very stubborn I want you to know that," he said getting up.

"And you're the werewolf king," I taunted. "Or should I say, Lycanthrope king."

"Indeed I am. But I'm guessing you had another meaning behind that," He started circling me. Like I was his prey. "It's like you're trying to point out that you don't know a single thing about me. However, you said that it's bad to assume." He's now toying with me. 

"And it is indeed bad, but I never said that you should stop doing it," I said. "And you're right, I don't know a single thing about you. And you expect me to open up to you."

"I thought I already told you that you're not like normal people. Or was that just a dream." I can see why my mother mumbled. I have a million things to say back to him but I can't bring myself to do it. It looks like the mate bond is finally taking its toll.

"You know what I noticed," he asked. "You don't trust people. You sleep with one eye open, never getting too close to someone but making them believe you're best friends. It's interesting really."

"And I thought I said that you're not to bother me," I snapped.

"First, you said not to bother you, it's not bothering if you're oblivious to me. And second, did you really think I would keep to my promise," he was still circling me, but this time, he got closer to me. And the answer to his question is no. I knew he would watch over me it's in his nature. 

"I have a feeling that I will have to keep chasing you and catching you. But don't worry Little Fawn, I like a good game of chase. But are you ready to play a game of cat and mouse, mate? Because I will chase you down and catch you," and finally, the beast lunged at his prey. 

We just hit ONE THOUSAND READERS. YESSSSSSSSS! a_sarcastic_bookworm 

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