Chapter Thirty-eight

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Elena's Pov

I hated this silence. It was unnerving. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't stop looking behind your back, and you could never relax. You were always on your toes. 

It's been three months since Victor lasted attack, and since then, silence. I graduated and for some odd reason, looking at colleges. But I know I won't be able to leave this pack, not unless I have a death wish. But I still have a small hope that everything will stop. I guess that naive child side of you never leaves.

But I recently, there's a vibe in the air. The back of your hairs raises in alert, and you can't help but feel your being watched. But I've had other things to worry about, Eric has needed more help around the office, and since I' the luna, he thought it would being my the most joy if he traps me with him. And this time, he didn't have books for me, I've had to do paperwork.

But I can't be mad at him about it. I'm getting to know the pack better without having to talk to anyone. I can see his purpose in all of this, but it's still kidnapping.

But Edan has discovered Oliver serious side, and she doesn't judge him as much. And Julia or Jojo is still Jojo, an adorable, lovable, idiot. And Grace stills drags all of us to the mall, but she's discovered that Vanessa enjoys shopping as well. She likes looking at Disney stuff. 

Either way, everything is going great, I don't have to spend my time learning stuff I already know. I now to waste my time in an office doing paperwork with an overprotective, goofball of a mate. My life is great.

Until I realized that It was May, the month that I was born. And I have to friends that know when that date is. And I was hoping that they would forget about due to everything, but alas fate is cruel, and they burst into m room singing happy birthday. But it was their version, written by Vanessa. Because scarring your friend isn't enough. 

"Happy happy happy birthday. Happy birthday did you really think that we would forget. Aye," they both sang.

"I hate you all," I said. "You know that I could have killed you."

"But you didn't," Edan said.

"I hope your happy, you've woken up the whole pack," Eric said storming into the room. "Why did you bring a cake into my mate's room?"

"This isn't my room," I said. By the time we finished the paperwork, it was dark, and a little wolf of mine didn't want anything to happen to me.

"Let me guess, she didn't tell you," Edan said.

"Tell Eric what,' Oliver said gracing us with his presence. 

"It's May, 22. Aka, Elena's birthday," Vanessa filled in.

"Wait," O liver said. "It's your birthday?"

"Yes, dumb dumb it's my birthday," it came out mumbled because I had my hand covering my face.

"And you didn't think that this information would be important to tell us," Eric said.

"I don't like people knowing okay," I said.

"Well now the whole pack knows, I want you to know that we heard you from the training grounds," Kai said.

"Yeah, we both took opera," Vanessa said. "But still, my throat hurts."

"I'm surrounded by idiots," I said copying Lion King.

"Haha," Oliver replied.

"Well since no of us knew, we couldn't get you presents, I hope you're happy," Grace said.

"I am happy, believe it or not, I don't like getting presents," I said.

"Well, I hope you suffer when I get you a full closet's worth of clothes next year," was Grace's responds. I had to laugh at that one, we all did.

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