Chapter Seventeen

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If I got strange looks before, Monday was worse. Everywhere I went people looked at me with different emotions, awe, amazement, and fear. It was mostly fear. I hated it. Nothing was the same, teachers stop calling on me and stop talking to me in general. 

However, I still couldn't manage to detach myself from Julia. And where ever Julia is, Grace is somewhere close by. And Edan finally got permission to live in the pack so she won't leave my side. And they always ask if I'm okay, do I need anything. It's like they're afraid that I'll hurt myself if they leave my side. I don't know why and I try to get away, but they are stubborn.

And I discovered how my mate is also stubborn, so much that it hurts. I found it the night of the attack. He thought it would be hilarious if he shifted into his wolf and howled outside my window all night long. And he isn't doing it because he misses me, no, he's doing it because he wants to see my reaction. And he got his reaction all right. In other words, a pillow got thrown at him. It gave me great pleasure to do it. 

But that didn't stop him. Instead, it left me with only one pillow and a howling, annoying, stubborn alpha outside my window. And my aunt let him in the house and made him breakfast. And the thing is, he does it every Friday and Saturday night. And all I can do is wrap a pillow around my head and try to block out the sound, which is very difficult to do. 

But he isn't that cruel to howl all night and keep me up. He does until midnight, but he starts it at nine, the same time when I'm either reading or planning on how to defeat Victor. However, recently, I'm planning on how to get away with murder.

And every night, I look down at him from my window and there he is, with his tongue hanging out from the side of his mouth. And he barks at me, freaking barks at me. But I have to give him credit, and it does let him see me. He is a cunning little wolf, unfortunately. And it gives him a free breakfast. 

Luckily, I'm not the only one who is having issues with mates, Edan is continuously coming to me to complain about Oliver. However, I can see right through her, deep down, she likes him bothering her. Just like me. I despise him and his ability to howl, but there is a part of me that always smiles when he does howl. Strange, how quickly the mate bond works, how fast it wraps its claws around someone. 

And it's strange how things can come crashing down in flames. That night came when the news of all the rogues who got captured escaped. Luckily, they were killed by the soldiers. Strange how the soldiers didn't have to destroy Victor's general. Funny how he was already found dead in his cell.

Victor wasn't happy with his little toy, so he got rid of it no doubt. That night, however, Eric howled a little longer and stayed for breakfast a little longer. The wolf in him is trying to make sure I'm safe. I'm sure.

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