The Conclusion

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"Vikram" they both exclaimed at each other.

"I just know that he loved Natasha and since Natasha was in love with Dev and he could not see her sad, he thought of teaching him a lesson. So he had kept his mobile on, so I could hear the conversation.

Poor thing, little he know or even I know that Raghu would do such a thing of mixing sedatives in their drinks. But actually its a boon for us" she laughed looking at Malhotra

"Hmmmmm meri beta ka deewana ashiq" Malhotra too laughed and went and hugged Mrs. Raichand

Dev was shattered. First it was Anish, then Shivani and now Vikram.

He was wondering to himself where did he go wrong as a friend, as a lover.

Shivani could feel that pain he was going through. She could very well relate to that pain....the pain of losing someone you loved dearly.

"Thanks for sharing your deeds with your own mouth, Mrs. Raichand" Shivani laughed at her

"What do you mean girl" they both looked at her suspiciously

"The police let go of your husband because of lack of proofs against him. My sister who was our angel, was pushed into the dark world of selling of her soul by none other than Raichand and this...this man you are standing with also tarnished her existence.

She drove to commit suicide following what these animals did to her but the police did not do anything. They put all the blame on my sister. My father died coz he was unable to bear the humiliation and the umpteen questions people were asking him. Do you realize that how coz of your cruel and selfish demands, one happy family is destroyed" she shouted at them

"Look lady am not here to listen to your bakwaas. Just tell me what have you done" she moved towards her angrily

"No don't dare to come near me" she told moving backwards

"Malhotra I guess she has recorded our conversation. Go get it from her" she instructed

He literally pounced on her but she managed to dodge him and got hold of a flower vase kept nearby and she hit him....hit him hard.

Blood started pouring from his head.

"You girl...what have you done" Mrs. Raichand shreiked in horror

Dev too had got into senses listening to her heart wrenching tale.

"Betu...betu" he ran towards her

Shivani was standing there without any movement, with that vase in her hand.

"Dev just call the police" she instructed him

"But you too would come under this crime" he told looking at her as tears welled up in his eyes

"I don't care about myself Dev. I just want justice for my sister" she looked him in his eyes

As dev dialled the poilice's number, Mrs. Raichand just held her head and sat down.

She could not believe that her master plan had failed.

As the police reached the bungalow of the Raichands, they looked around in horror.

Raghu kaka, Vikram, Anish, Tina, Natasha and Mr. Raichand were unconscious with the effect of those sleeping pills.

Malhotra was lying in a pool of blood with the vase being hit.

Dev and Shivani were huddled together in a corner while Mrs Raichand was sitting in another corner holding her head.

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