Chapter 13

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As Raghu kaka and Anish reached home that night, they saw Raichand fast asleep on the sofa.

He was alone. Anish went to his room while Raghu kaka went towards the kitchen.

He saw Lavanya lying in a pool of blood.

"Nooooooooooooooooo" he shouted

Listening to his screams, Anish came running.

He was shocked to see that girl he had seen with his father covered in blood

"What is all this" he asked kaka

"I have no idea....who did this.....someone had come here but I don't know who" he cried seeing Lavanya lifeless

"Dad dad wake up" Anish tried waking him up

But he did not get up.

"What shall we do now" he asked raghu kaka looking scared

"I dont know...lavanya..lavanya" he cried

"You know this girl" he asked surprised

"Yes she is my friend's daughter" he told crying uncontrollably

"Ok...kaka now we need to get rid of her body" he suggested

His mind was completely blank.

"Kaka kaka " he just shook him

"Haan baba" he asked looking at him

"We need to get rid of her..why don't you call her parents. Tell them you found her on the taking her to the hospital" he suggested

Raghu kaka had to keep up the commitment he had towards the Raichands.

He called up Lavanya's parents.

"Yes Raghu..tell me" her father asked

He couldn't control his tears. He started crying.

"You daughter is taking her to also reach there" he told crying

Her dad could not believe his ears.

"Lavanyaaaaaaaaaaaaa" he shouted

Shivani and her mom rushed towards him.

"What happened" her mom asked scared

"We need to go to the hospital" he told crying uncontrollably

Shivani and her mom went in shock.

She could not believe that something happened to her di.

All three of them went to the hospital.

Shivani met Raghu kaka there. She was only 5 when she had seen him so she didn't remember him.

Anish had also accompanied Raghu kaka.

"Raghu where did you find her" her dad asked crying

"she...she was lying on the side of the road" he fumbled with words.

Shivani kept quiet.

"I found your details on the id card then I got to know that she is your daughter" he lied to him

The doctors informed that she had committed suicide and she had forced sexual interaction before she died so the police needed to come for investigation.

Her parents were devasted.

Shivani was in complete shock and denial that her didi could take such a step.

She just looked at Raghu kaka and Anish and felt that something was terribly wrong.

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