Chapter 12

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After that night, Raghu kaka was unable to sleep properly.

He wondered as to why did he have to see this. He heard a voice within him say

"You shall repay for your wrong deeds in this world only"

It dawned to him that indeed he was doing very wrong with Anish. He could not free himself of that guilt. He promised himself that he would stay away from Anish. He would apologise to him that whathever wrong he did, he was ashamed of that.

He did go to Anish's room to apologise but he was fast asleep.

He thought of calling up his friend and telling him but he didn't want to trouble him.

He was feeling helpless of being unable to help Lavanya.

It had been a week since this incident took place and it was a Sunday.

He heard Raichand speak to someone on the phone

"You too come over we shall have a good time" he laughed

Raghu kaka wanted to find out what it was all about but he was unable to hear clearly.

"Raghu raghu" he heard his name being called

"Yes sir" he went and asked

"Take this money and take Anish too for an outing...go for a movie or some outing and don't be back until late evening" he instructed

Raghu knew that he had some ill intentions but still he could do nothing about it.

He did as he was told.

While they were leaving, he saw an autorickshaw stop near the bungalow.

Clad in a yellow salwar kameez, he saw a girl get down from it. He looked closely, it was Lavanya.

His mind started racing to all possible bad things.

"Raghu kaka, let's go" anish nudged him

He had no option but to go.

All the way he had been praying to God to keep Lavanya safe.

Meanwhile another car came and stopped near the bungalow.

A middle aged man wearing black pant and blue striped shirt got down from it.

It was his old business associate Gautam Malhotra.

As Lavanya was making herself comfortable in the sofa, she heard the doorbell ring.

She was surprised as she was told that no one would be there.

She was happy too that she did not have to face her Raghu Chachu.

"Welcome Malhotra...come inside" he told hugging him

Lavaya was suprised to see him.

"She is Lavanya. The girl I was talking about" he told him

Gautam Malhotra scanned her from top to bottom.

"Hmmmmmm she is hot" he laughed wickedly

Lavanya was at loss of words.

"What is going on" she shouted

"Calm down baby. We shall do a threesome today" Raichand told bringing her close holding her waist.

She tried to free herself

"No...please no...I agreed to you coz it was my helplessness but please not this" she pleaded

But the two men were in no mood to listen.

They just wanted to satiate their hunger.

She tried to flee and ran towards the kitchen.

"Baby don't be a spoilt sport. He shall pay you a heavy amount too" he told her

"No...I have had enough...if you come close to me I shall kill myself" she told holding a knife in her hand

Both Malhotra and Raichand were scared seeing her

"What yaar Raichand you spoilt the whole forget that merger" he told warning him

He was mad with anger. He just barged towards her, took the knife from her hand and gave her a tight slap.

"Here take her and go" he shouted

Lavanya was semi conscious with the hard slap she got.

Nonetheless those monsters did not pity her and satiated that animal desire of theirs.

She was lying motion less...with the pain...with the hurt....but they didn't care

Once they were done, they were busy enjoying their drinks.

She gathered her tattered soul and her belongings and she got up.....literally she dragged herself to the kitchen.

She picked the knife from there and decided to end the pain there and then.

She did not think for a second and just slit her wrist and fell on the floor with a thud.

Those two men were busy enjoying their drinks and didn't realise that there was a soul there breathing her last.

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