Summer Beginnings and School Year Endings

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Anna shot up from her bed into a sitting position the second she woke up, "Hermione!" She looked around frantically for the girl until she heard a soft voice, "I'm here, Professor. I'm fine." Hermione sat in the bed next to Anna, smiling at her. Anna sighed in relief, "Thank, Merlin."

Remus hurried into the infirmary. The patients had been given the cure by Poppy hours ago but it took a while to take affect. Madam Pomfrey had practically shoved Remus out of the hospital wing, exclaiming that if he didn't eat soon, she'd force food down his throat. He grinned when he saw her up and she got up, much to the nurse's protest, and hugged him tightly, "Remus!" He growled softly in her ear, "What am I gonna do with you?" She grabbed his chin and smirked, "How about this?" She pulled him into a deep kiss. It only lasted a few seconds before she pulled away and asked, "Where's Harry?" "Last I heard, he was in Dumbledore's office." She pecked her husband one last time on the lips, "Thanks!" Before running straight for Albus' office. He shared an exasperated look with Hermione, "One day, that woman will be end of me."

-Outside the Headmaster's office-

It appeared Anna had arrived just in time. All she saw was Lucius Malfoy flying backwards. At first she was confused but when the sock in the elf's hand caught her eye, she knew what had happened. The blonde stood up and brushed off his clothes. He sneered at Anna, "Anna Lupin. I thought you got your mudblooded self petrified." She glared, "Watch yourself, Lucius, or I'll turn you into the cowardly worm you are." He brought the snake head of his game under her chin, "Oh Anna, what a brave little ant you are." She smirked even with the head of the cane tilting her head up slightly, "Thanks." He scowled and snatched the cane away. He stalked away and she called after him, "And I don't want you coming within twenty feet of my nephew and his friends or you'll be answering to me!"

Harry ran to her with a grin on his face, "You're okay!" She ruffled his hair, "Of course I am! But look at you! You're filthy! And is that blood? Didn't someone make sure you had medical attention? We're bringing you to Poppy and then you are having a nice warm bath and- oof!" She was cut off by Harry's bone-crushing hug, "Thank you." She smiled and pulled him gently forward by the arm, "Come on! If you're hurts I want to make sure you get taken care of."

*Time Skip*

When it was finally time to leave Hogwarts, Anna and Remus didn't apparate to their house, like she had to get to Hogwarts. They surprised Harry by following him onto the train. He had assumed that maybe she would say goodbye to him there, but he smiled when she sat next to him and his friends in the compartment and explained that she would be riding with them, not wanting to say goodbye just yet.

Harry was more than relieved but he was still sad. It stung to have his aunt ripped away from him after all they had bonded this year. It stung that now he had to go back and be a butler for the Dursleys. He knew that his aunt felt the same.

Anna was furious that she would not be aloud to take harry home with her and Remus. She wanted him to actually feel like he was apart of a family for once. Maybe she and Remus could be the parents he never had. She knew what the ministry thought of that idea though. The great Harry Potter, 'The Boy Who Lived,' being raised by a mudblood and a Werewolf? She could imagine the horror on some of the snootier member's faces at mere thought of such a thing.

It didn't matter that Anna had put away criminals and traveled the world and had proven to be a very powerful witch. She would always be seen to many as weak.

Still, as conversation began to pick up between the five, her spririts lifted. She found herself smiling. They laughed and talked and discussed the events of what happened. Harry and Anna practically bought out the entire trolley of sweets for them to split. Even if they didn't eat it all, they could take it with them. Remus ate nearly all of the chocolate.

They made some plans. She already knew that she wanted to visit the Weasley's over the summer, partly to check up on poor Ginny. She said this much to Ron, winking and telling him, "Us redheads have to stick together, you know!" Hermione insisted that she meet her parents. Which she was more than happy to do. She really did want to see how she got her personality.

She had become really close to her and Ron. Hermione was so sweet, but also incredibly intelligent. She was the cleverest witch of her age. What she really liked was that her nephew and Ron had someone who had enough knowledge on spells to get them out of the trouble that they were no doubt bound to get into. Call it instinct or womem's intuition, but she had a feeling that girl was going to become something great.

Soon, they all had to change into muggle clothes. Anna changed into an emerald green v-neck top, which had sleeves that ended just before her elbows, with a pair of dark blue jeans, and, of course, the locket Remus had given her, which she never took off.

They all sat anxiously where they sat, knowing the train was going to be pulling up at the station any minute. Avalon shifted her cage, nervous at the unfamiliar wave of tension at the dreaded inevitable goodbye. The elder witch shushed her gently, "Hey, calm down, it's alright." Ron smiled sadly, "Scabbers never get's nervous like that when it's quiet. He's just lazy."

Anna looked up at him, "I didn't know you had a rat." Ron furrowed his brow, "Really? Well, I could bring him out and-" before the boy could even finish the thought. The train stopped. They had reached their destination.

-Outside the Train-

Remus slipped his arm around his wife's waist when they got off the train. He was planning to keep her very close until the fear of what had happened with Voldemort faded. Ron found his family quickly and with a long round of goodbye hugs, he and the Weasleys were gone. Next, was Hermione's Parents. Anna smiled kindly at them and made small talk about how absolutely brilliant their daughter was at school and introduced her husband.

After the Grangers left there was only one more goodbye to give.

The Dursleys were late by about twenty minutes. They were probably hoping that Anna would've left by then. Petunia looked less than pleased to see her, but Anna just smiled at her sister, "Hi, Tuney! You look good. I'm sure you're eager to get Harry back in your happy home but I wanted to talk to you three, alone."

Remus smirked and nudged Harry as the Durselys and Anna walked out of ear shot, "I wouldn't wanna be them." Harry was just about to ask why, when he saw terror entire the muggle family's eyes. It was clear she was threatening them in some way. After another minute of lecturing she skipped back to Harry and hugged him tightly, "Hang in there, kid. I'll be there to rescue you as soon as summer's over." He smiled, "I'll be looking forward to it." She kissed his forehead and stroked his cheek softly, "Be safe." He nodded, "You too." He said goodbye to them both and reluctantly left with the Dursleys.

Anna sighed and leaned into her husband, "I hate goodbyes." Remus pulled her close, "Don't worry, love. We'll see him next year, when you and I start teaching." She grinned, "Can't wait." Remus kissed her nose, "The Marauders are going back to Hogwarts." Anna smirked, "They won't know what hit them."

AN: That's it guys! The Sequel will be coming soon! Be there or be square! I'm still working on the title, though! I think it may be called "The Other Uncle" or "The Other Marauder" but suggestions are appreciated.

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