The Dursleys

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Anna had apparated as soon as she had got to the outside of the Hogwarts Castle. She was now on Privet Drive, a dreadfully ordinary neighborhood. There she stood in front of the Dursleys house. She noticed that one of the windows had bars on it. In taking a closer look she realized a boy was staring out the window at her. She gasped. That must be Harry's room. She quickly walked to the door and pressed the doorbell. Petunia opened the door, "Who is - Aah!" Petunia hid behind the doorframe, "What do YOU want?" Anna smiled, "I'm here for Harry." Petunia nodded, "Alright, he's upstairs. Don't touch Dudley and Vernon. Last time one of YOUR KIND was here, my little Dudders had to have a pig tail surgically removed." Anna snickered and silently thanked Hagrid.

Once Anna made it to Harry's bedroom, she knocked on the door. She heard a soft voice answer, "Come in!" She unlocked the door with her wand and came into the room quietly, making sure to close the door behind her. She looked around the room and Saw a mini-James sitting on the bed. She grinned, "Oh, Harry, look at how much you've grown!" He just stared at Anna before whispering in disbelief, "Mum?" Her smile turned sad, "No, I'm your other Aunt, Anna. I was your mum's younger twin sister and one of your father's bestest friends. He was more like a brother, though." Harry didn't seem to be able to find the right words, "I understand it's a lot to take in, Harry. I myself am still trying to get my head wrapped around it. How's about I conjure you up some sandwiches and pumpkin juice, because you look like you're starving, and while you eat I'll tell you everything." He nodded and that was what they did.


"So, Harry. What do you say you and I blow this pop stand?" He stuttered, "That would be amazing!" She grinned, "Well alright then! Why don't you collect your things up here and I'll deal with the Dursleys and your school stuff?"

She went down stairs and Harry was left to his own thoughts. Was this really happening? He shrugged. If this was a dream, he wasn't about to try and wake and end it by checking to see if it was real, so he packed like he was told. A tentative smile came onto his face, he was leaving, he didn't no how long, but he was out of there and he was happy. He said a silent good riddance to the Dursleys and Privet Drive and shut his bedroom door, ignoring his Aunt, uncle and cousin who were shaking and watching Anna like she was a rabid dog ready to attack, even though she was just humming by the front door waiting for Harry. He grinned his aunt and she returned his smile, "Ready?" Harry's grin widened, "Absolutely." And just like that they were off.

Anna explained that they were going to apparate, "I'm afraid my house isn't prepared for any visitors, so I've called in a favor with a friend and she said it would be okay for you to bunk with her kids. I believe you are familiar with the Weasley's?" Harry grinned and nodded. "Perfect! Me and maybe my husband are going to come with you guys to pick up supplies and I'm going to be helping out at Hogwarts this year. Albus said that the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher was a bit thick, so I'll probably help out a lot with that."

She'd dropped Harry off at the Weasley's and apparated back to her and Remus' house to tell her husband all about their nephew. She walked into her house and sighed happily and leaned against the front door thinking about her sister's son, "Oh Lily, he's perfect. Handsome and determined like James and smart and kind like you. And he's been so strong, dealing with all thats happened all on his own, but now he doesn't have to be, because I'm here and now he's got someone to be strong for him. After all, he's family." She skipped up the stairs to tell Remus about Harry, feeling like a child on Christmas morning.

The Other Aunt (A Harry Potter fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora