Worst Party Ever

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AN: The protection spell Anna uses is not an actual spell from the Harry Potter universe. I combined two protection spells to make my own :) Sorry if it gets too confusing in the middle! It was hard to write this chapter!

The students in Harry's class were all chattering with excitement and nervousness. All day they had been hearing bits and pieces about the lesson but apparently everyone had been told not to ruin the surprise. Everyone had bombarded Harry with questions, but the only thing he knew about were the jelly beans and catapults and those were all ready out in the middle of the room for the class to see. The desk were pushed to the side and there was a message on the board for everyone to take a seat on the floor.

Finally the door opened and Anna walked in with a grin on her face. She stood in front and clapped her hands together, "Hello class! Today we're gonna have some fun. Yesterday, I was thinking of the lesson and it occurred to me that, although this is Defense Against the Dark Arts, you have not learned any defense whatsoever. SO, we are going to try a simple defensive spell. Hmm... Miss Granger let's let you have a go. Don't worry. I am not going to be shooting any spells at you. Jelly beans will be catapulted from this. I've made sure that they won't hit you to hard but everyone will be wearing protective eye gear, just in case."

Everyone took a pair of goggles and sat back down, except for Hermione, who had moved to stand my Anna after she retrieved her goggles. Anna motioned to Harry, "Harry, since you already know how to fire, come and fire them at me first and then we'll let Hermione have a go." He nodded and got behind the catapult. Anna looked Hermione, "Now, watch carefully." She looked at Harry, "On three. 1, 2, 3!" The beans soared through the air and Anna shouted, "Protego Salvus!" The beans were bounced back and Anna was left unharmed. She motioned to Hermione to take her place and showed the young witch the proper hand movements. Before moving back and looking at Harry, "1, 2, 3!" Hermione copied the motions perfectly and shouted, "Protego Salvus!" The beans, once again bounced harmlessly away from her.

Anna clapped and passed Hermione a few jellybeans as a reward, "See! Simple! Now, I have four Catapults. I need four people to operate them and then we'll all get in even, single file lines and when everyone has gone, everybody can have a handful of jellybeans. Okay, Miss Brown, Mr. Zabini, and Miss Patil be so kind as to help Harry work the Catapults. Don't worry you will have turns as well." Everybody did as they told and every body had it perfected by the end of the period. When class was dismissed everybody chattered excitedly about the lessons and wished they had her instead of Lockhart.


Lockhart had come back, much to the students display, especially when he gave a lecture about how great hair is essential to fighting dark forces...again. Halloween was coming and Harry and his friends had been invited to Sir Nicholas's Death Day party. Anna winced when they told her, "Be glad I'm going too. Death Day parties are not very appealing to the living. I said yes out of courtesy. I'm bringing snacks. Bring something for yourself if you can, just in case I don't have enough."

They didn't know what she meant until the day of the party arrived. Everyone were ghosts. The "music" was scratches on a chalkboard. And the food was completely rotten. Ron and Harry looked at Hermione in confusion and she explained, "It gives the food a stronger flavor if it's rotten. Want some crisps?" She help out the bag she had brought and the boys quickly nodded.

They spotted Anna having a chat with Moaning Myrtle, but Hermione refused to approach, "I don't want to get in a conversation with Moaning Myrtle." Ron and Harry shared a look of confusion, "Who's Moaning Myrtle?" "She haunts one of the girl's bathroom toilets on the first floor?" "She haunts a toilet?" Anna came from behind them, "Oh she isn't so bad, just lonely. She just wants a friend. But I'd stay away from her, she has a crush on Harry." Harry blushed, "She does?" Ron clapped him on the shoulder, "Look on the bright side, if you die here, you'll still have a chance of getting married!" He blushed even more. Anna ruffled his hair, "Oh, stop teasing him. Anyone want a ham and cheese sandwich? I stopped by the kitchens on the way here." They nodded eagerly and devoured the sandwiches quickly.

Peeves came by and immediately the kids felt nervous. Peeves, the poltergeist that haunted Hogwarts, was feared by all of the students at Hogwarts, "Nibbles?" He offered them a bowl of rotten peanuts. Anna grinned, not phased by Peeves's appearance, "No thank you, Peeves. Been up to your usual tricks this evening?" He nodded, "Yes. I heard about your prank on Lockhart from the Weasley twins. Well done!" She nodded proudly, "I do try my best!" He nodded and, to the kids surprise, simply floated away. They looked at Anna, dumbfounded, "How did you do that?!" She shrugged, "Peeves doesn't bother us, pranksters. It's something I like to call, 'The Code of Mischief.' Never prank another prankster unless both pranksters have officially agreed to participate in a prank war."

Nick floated over to them, "Enjoying yourselves?" They all nodded, "Oh yes." Anna smiled, "Not a bad turn out." Nicolas nodded with enthusiasm, "The Wailing Widow came all the way from Kent.....It's nearly time for my speech. I'd better go and warn the orchestra.." But the orchestra stopped playing at that very moment and all of the guests looked around excitedly. Anna groaned and the children looked at her questioningly, "What? What's going on?" She sighed, "It's Patrick and his stupid Headless Hunt! He's going to ruin everything for poor Nick!" It was chaos from there. Patrick insulted Nicolas and it got even worse when Nick started his speech. The hunt caused such a ruckus, Anna shouted, "That is it! Hold my shoes Hermione, I'm going in!" Hermione took her she is and they watched as the angry redhead marched into the crowd of ghosts.

At that exact moment, Harry heard it


It was the same cold murderess voice he had heard with Anna. Harry stumbled to a halt, listening carefully. Hermione put a hand on his shoulder, "Harry what are you doing?" He shushed her, "It's that voice again." Harry had told his friends about the voice after their lesson with his aunt.

"...So hungry...for so long..."

Harry looked at his friends, "Listen!" Ron and Hermione froze, watching them.

"...Kill...Time to Kill..."

Hermione looked over to Anna, who was still giving the Headless Hunt a piece of her mind, wishing she could get the professor's attention. Something seemed to be seriously wrong with Harry. Harry looked at his friends, "This way!" He ran off and they hesitantly followed. "Harry! What's wrong?!" "Shh!"

"....Blood...I smell blood..."

Anna looked around the room and saw that Harry was gone and started looking around frantically for her nephew, "Harry!" Meanwhile, Harry ran faster toward the voice. Someone was in trouble, someone was going to die. He had to save them! He shouted to his confused friends, "It's going to kill someone!" Harry suddenly stopped and Ron nearly collided with him, "Harry what was that all about? I couldn't hear anything!" Hermione gasped, "Look!" It was a ghastly sight. Filch's cat was hanging upside down and there were words, written in blood, on the walls:


Ron gulped, "Let's get out of here!" Harry looked conflicted, "Shouldn't we try to help?" But it was too late, people suddenly began filling the halls and surrounded them. Everyone was silent. Harry saw his aunt pushing people aside to get through, obviously having realized what was going on. She finally made it to the center and hugged her nephew tightly, "Oh Harry! I thought you were hurt! Don't you ever do that to me again!"

Even then, no one else dared to make a peep until, suddenly, the arrogant voice of a student broke the silence, "Enemies of the Heir beware! You'll be next mudbloods!"

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