A Very Hogwarts Christmas

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In case you didn't read the author note at the bottom of the last chapter, I have been looking for a couple name for Anna and Remus. I've had one or two suggestions and I am now taking votes for the name. You may recommend a name to be put in the running if it is not listed.

Rena (Ree-na): 3

Remna: 1

Roony (Red & Moony): 1

The next morning, Anna had to leave for Hogwarts as she had promised Harry. She decided to take Molly's gift for her to Hogwarts to open! She shrunk all of her presents and put them in a satchel before finally deciding it was time to go. She put on a red winter cloak with white fake fur trim (which looked a lot like Father Christmas' suit) and the rest of her winter gear. Remus lead her out on the porch to say goodbye....which is coincidentally where he'd hung the mistletoe that morning. Needless to say, there had been some goodbye snogging before her departure. She hugged him one more time before finally apparating and riding her broom back to Hogwarts.

Getting into the Gryffindor common room wasn't as hard as you'd think it'd be. The password had been "Quiddicth." She rolled her eyes at that. Sometimes her house was a bit too predictable.

She managed to arrive before the students woke . The witch took out her wand and by the time the kids came down stair, there were some minor changes to the common room.

There was a Christmas tree in the center that was completely decked out in Gryffindor colors, complete with a lion tree topper. There was a wreathe on the back of the door (on the side without the Fat Lady on it). The wreath even had scarlet and gold ribbons weaved into it. Christmas lights were hung all around the room. The presents she had brought sat proudly under the tree by the ones that had already been there when she had arrived. There was even a small table with mugs of hot chocolate, cider, eggnog, and cookies. She'd created Europe very own Gryffindor Christmas party.

The second she had finished she heard a couple pairs of feet jogging down the stairs. Ron had been the first down stairs. The second year gaped, "Harry, I bloody love your aunt!" Harry's sleepy head perked up at the mention of Anna and hurried down the stairs to see what his best friend was on about and grinned.

Christmas at the Dursleys' had always been less than pleasant. So, this was like a dream come true for the twelve year old wizard. He tackled Anna in a bear hug. The others weren't too far behind them. George, Fred, Ginny, and Hermione came down to join in on the festivities. Anna had given Hermione a potion to conceal her catlike appearance. Even though it didn't cure it, it allowed the girl to join her friends.

Everyone sat around the tree and gave out presents. Anna gave her's out first.

Anna got Hermione a potted plant with several flowers blooming from it. The flowers themselves looked almost exactly like a rue flower except each petal was pure white with a hint of a silvery shimmer and the centers were a rainbow of different of colors, from yellow to green to red to periwinkle. "They're called Aurelia Rues," explained Anna, "they glow slightly in the dark, so they are good for reading or homework but they aren't too bright, so they won't disturb your roommates. The aroma from this sweet smelling flower relieves headaches and helps the brain's thought process, it's good for when you have writer's block. I used to have a friend who used it fr homework and studying." Hermione grinned and thanked her.

She turned to Ginny and handed her a blue gift bag. The youngest witch gasped and gently pulled her present out of the bag. It was a small holding fan that opened up into clam shell-like shape and was made of turquoise silk decorated with a beautiful underwater scene. The handle was made of laurel wood. Anna quickly gave the backstory behind it, "Years ago, I went to Greece, strictly on auror business, when I came across a young Nereid caught in some sort of net. I helped her and she gave me two beautiful fans that she said she crafted herself. My favorite was the red one, which is at my house. For years I haven't known what to do with this one. I've decided to give it to you because you remind me of her. Do you like it?"

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