Chapter Sixteen- Sharp Nails and Tearful Kisses

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Matthias' POV

"We've got a lot of catching up to do" She hisses into my ear, "Silly boy, thinking you could leave me."

I feel absolutely helpless. The blood draining from my face, leaving me lightheaded and dizzy.

I long to comfort Cornelius; wipe the tears off of his face yet I'm stuck, in the devil's deadly grip.

A pinching hand tugs at my waist. "My my" she tuts, "you've really let yourself go."

Suddenly, Cornelius runs off and my heart clenches painfully, an aching throb in my chest. I need to  follow him; as I go to move, a sharp nail digs into my wrist.

"Going somewhere?" Rebecca cackles, and- as I see the deep cruelty etched into her face- determination drowns out fear.

In one steady motion, I break free. She stands there, startled, clutching at her winded stomach.

A broken look fills my face, "You don't scare me anymore".

And then I'm running, running after the love of my life. Sprinting after Cornelius; hoping that it's not too late.

I see him, crying in the back of a taxi and I run towards another one. Screaming, "follow that cab!" I catapult myself in.

And we're off.


We end up at a cemetery, St Raphael's. Paying the cabbie, I fling open the door and walk towards my crying angel.

"Darl-" He tenses up at the name, "Cornelius, please let me explain."

He doesn't look at me and I feel so weak. My knees crumble underneath me, sending me hurtling towards the ground in a tearful mess.

"P-please" I beg, "J-just let me explain."

He turns slightly towards me, so I continue- "I've never told anyone this before...I feel so stupid."

He places a steady hand on my trembling ones, "I don't forgive you yet, but I would never judge you"

I give him a weak smile. 'Yet', I'll cling to that thin shred of hope.

"It started off small at first, just rising jealousy; controlling who I saw, I took no notice"


I laugh cheerfully into the phone, "alright, see you later. Say hi to Colin for me", I hang up.

"Who was that?" Rebecca questions, a jealous glint in her hazel eyes. Her red nails shining under the light; an angry expression on her pampered face.

"Just Susana from work, she was calling about the plans." I reply, cautiously.

She's been getting more and more suspicious over these last months, of what I'm not sure.

"I don't want you talking to her."

And there it is.

"Why not?"

"She obviously fancies you!"

I roll my eyes, carelessly.

"She's got a husban-"

"Don't interrupt me!" She slaps me, her nails digging slightly into my skin.  I sigh, a fierce pain bolting through my cheek,

"I won't call her anymore"

"Good!" She beams, kissing me on the lips, "I love you."


"I kept overlooking her violent nature because I loved her. I never registered her slaps as abusive; she loved me, she wouldn't hurt me intentionally."

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