Part Five: This little furrball

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Tao's PoV

Sometimes I fear that I have a fairytale vision of love, that I long for something that may never happen.

Yet, I cannot control it. When I read tales of 'love at first sight' and 'unbreakable soulmates' my view of the world is brightened. Like a sunset of beautiful colours, all blending together to form a picturesque end to a calming day.

Surely in a world full of hatred and violence, there needs to be some sort of bliss?

I can't get him out of my head.
Stormy blue. I only saw the guy once and I'm already swooning!

I need to stop.

I walk along the cracked pavement and my hand starts to tap.

Don't. Step. On the cracks.
Don't. Step. On the cracks.
Don't. Step. On the cracks.
Don't. Step. On the cracks.

It's a steady rhythm; one I adore.

Counting things...helps me sometimes.

It helps me think,
It helps me relax,
It helps me when the sky is gloomy and the sun has gone to bed.

It especially helps when it comes to guys...guys like Stormy Blue.

There I go again! Off into a pointless daydream.

Humming a calming tune, I skip along.

One, two, three, four five
Once I caught a fish alive.
Six, Seven, eight, nine ten.
Then I let it go a- 'meow'

I stop.
I look around.
I start again.

One two three four fi- 'MeOw'

Then I see it. A small kitten with heterochromatic eyes...
It looks a bit like me, or I look a bit like it.

For once, I do not count. I simply admire the beauty of this gentle giant.

It rolls on its back...HE rolls on his back.

Yup. I chuckle. Definitely a boy.

His neck holds no collar, his furr a clumpy mess; he looks like a stray.

Perhaps...perhaps I could look after him, if only for a little while.

He sings that sad meow once again and that secures my decision.

Placing my hand in-front of his baby pink nose, I agonisingly wait for a response. I pray that he will accept me; not sink his shark fangs into my hand.

And he doesn't! He nuzzles my outstretched palm and I cheer.

I turn to walk and he follows behind, making my heart glow with amazement.

This little furball,
Could be,
The one that saves me,
From it all.

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