Chapter ten- Hell to pay

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I just thought that I'd give Matthias a chance to express his thoughts- his POV has been AWOL for like four chapters lol.

Matthias' POV (obviously :p)

Cornelius Tapio.
What a beautiful name.

He had said to call him Tao, but Cornelius was so much more...adorable.

We had been on numerous dates; I loved every single one. I have noticed the... counting, no matter how hard he tries to conceal it. It's quite endearing, to be honest, but worrying at the same time.

He was broken, that much I could tell. Only broken though; not shattered.

I guess that makes us alike, in some messed up way.

I nearly had a heart attack when I saw the smashed plates on the floor, surrounded by small droplets of blood. They looked simply devastating in his pristine kitchen.

Multiple scenarios cluttered my mind, only growing scarier, as I heard a shrill scream from above.

I raced upstairs, panicked, and found him curled up under an adorable double bed in his botanical bedroom.

Now, I'm cradling him in my arms; humming a gentle tune. He fell asleep not too long ago, clinging to my blue t-shirt; nuzzling his nose into my scent.

Speaking of which, he smells simply divine- like peaches and vanilla on a cool, summer day.

Though any delight I could have harnessed from that scent, is stripped away instantly as I observe his teary face and broken nails.

He looks simply...haunted- his snowy hair a tortured mess and soft lips abused by biting teeth.

I remove myself from his side, careful not to wake him, and head towards the kitchen.

I hear his soft whimpers as I descend the stairs, yet I fight the urge to turn back and continue walking.

When I reach the kitchen, I grab a pan and start making him a heavy breakfast-style-dinner.

Eggs and bacon sizzle on the hob as I pour cereal and milk into a pastel pink bowl. Grabbing the orange and apple juice, I pour them into a tall glass (a perfect 1:3 ratio).

A weird beverage, I know, but he absolutely loves the stuff; who am I to judge.

Once I am pleased with the wide range of food prepared, I place it all on a bed-tray and carry it upstairs.

Resting the soft tray onto his nightstand, I lean towards his slim body.

"Cornelius, darling" I whisper into his ear, "it's time to wake up"

He does not stir, from the deep slumber that he seems to be captured in.

"Cornelius", I try again.

He nuzzles further into my discarded jacket, that he's gripping like a baby's blanket.

Giving up, I hold his delicate hand- hoping that he'll talk to me when he wakes up.

I need to know what made my baby scream and cry like that. And, if it was a person, there would be hell to pay.

I have never adored someone as much as Cornelius. I feel it is far too early to say love, but it is bordering on that.

At times, I look around my large, log cabin and wonder what it would be like to have him there.

His laughs,
His smile,
His mere presence alone.

I see him stir and I smile instantly,
"Good afternoon, sweetheart. I made you something to eat."

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