- Chapter 27 -

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"I'm really not supposed too allow dat," AIlis words were soft but they broke my heart

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"I'm really not supposed too allow dat," AIlis words were soft but they broke my heart. I needed him to let me tell Nathan. I couldn't hold the secret in anymore. No one would believe me but I had to talk about it, I had to tell someone that wasn't a mythical creature with a bad attitude at times.

"Please Ailis, please..." I felt my body losing all of it's strength as I beg for him to approve my request. He kicks at the ground for a moment before he looks back at me.

"Okay, but ye will have some explain to do to the council," Ailis mutters. I jump up once again a sudden jolt of energy rushing through my skin. I nodded my head. I would tell him, I would explain everything to them and tell them how amazing Ailis was throughout the whole process.

"Thank you," I bent down to pick up Ailis pulling him close to me to give him the best hug I could with his tiny size. "Meet Nathan and I after I drop everything off, I guess I'll take him to the park to explain everything to him so he doesn't freak out too much," I shook my head as I set Ailis back down on the bed.

"Okay," He mumbled as he looked down at the ground. I turned rushing towards the door after picking my phone up off the bed. Nathan would have so many questions and I was hoping Ailis would be able to help me explain everything to him once the time came. But for now I would need to hold him off for just long enough to drop off all the necklaces.

I pulled the door open to see Nathan sitting on the floor opposite of my door. His head hung low in his hands as he taps his foot against the floor.

"Nathan, let me explain," I muttered, he was too cute to not give him a little bit of information now, but I would have to wait to go into full details. He jumped up off the floor closing the distance between us as he pulled me into a hug.

"Oh dear god I thought you were in trouble," He muttered as he held me tightly against him. I shook my head wrapping my arms around him.

"I am though," I whispered trying to not make too big of a scene in the hallway. Nathan pulled away, his hands tightly grabbing my biceps as he stares at me.

"What do you mean?" He seemed slightly annoyed by this, his tone much more aggressive than before.

"I need you to just trust me for a moment. I've gotten myself into a bad situation and I need your help with something, but you have to just trust me and I will explain afterwards," He looked at me as if I was speaking a completely different language.

Maybe I was, because It seemed like everything had gone right over his head.

"What is wrong?" He questioned again, just as aggressive as the first time.I shook my head. I couldn't explain here.

"Nathan, I promise, I will explain everything right now we need to go return a few things. Please just give me some time to explain when I get a chance, right now I just need your support and I will tell you everything I promise," I found I was begging him, worried he would make a big scene and not want to go with me to the jewelry shops. He dropped his hands down by his side as his head followed.

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