- Chapter 20 -

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"Do we really have to go back to your mother's house?" Ailis mutters as he hides in my backpack

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"Do we really have to go back to your mother's house?" Ailis mutters as he hides in my backpack. I trudge through the parking lot watching for anyone who would be paying enough attention to the little creature sticking halfway out of my backpack. No one seemed to pay any mind to what I was doing, which is exactly how I liked it. I found it easier to hide my little friend this way.

"Yes Ailis, now stop your complaining, I have to pick up my things from her house so that Lily won't steal them when she packs up and leaves tomorrow," I mumbled the anger boiling in my body again. I hadn't thought too much about her since I'd been back in classes. This weekend seemed long and hard to get through as I had to deal with her at dinners and what not. I felt awful for having such a negative experience on this visit, but something told me it would be our last.

"but why chucker yer nade ter waste so much time on de duds whaen oi can jist wish yer whatever yer want?" I shook my head at his horrendous english. Ailis just didn't seem to understand the importance of my mortal items. I shouldn't just wish for everything and anything but now that he mentioned that it didn't seem like a bad idea.

"How much magic do you have?" I questioned as I hop into my car, setting Ailis gently in the passenger seat. Ailis looks in his tiny pockets as he fumbles around with his even smaller hands. I watch carefully as if this was a game show and the question could win me a million bucks. Shockingly this was just as serious because depending on his answer things could be going my way. I watch as he shakes his head, pulling his pockets so that they were inside out showing me there was no magic left.

"See you couldn't even pull off that kind of wish if I had wanted you to so your idea is useless. It's back to the first plan of just taking all of my stuff before she can steal it once again," Ailis plops down on the seat angrily. The lack of magic must really be getting to him. I wondered if he could just go win some more gambling like he had the first time.

"Why don't you go get some more?" I question him as he looks up at me, his emerald green eyes staring at me like I put the stars in the sky.

"you mean from rumple?" He hesitates for a moment before shrugging his shoulder. I was shocked that the idea hadn't occurred to him earlier. It was his go to plan when he had first arrived and now it seemed like he was avoiding it like the plague.

"Yeah, you did that when you first got here, why can't you do that again," I question, my car flying down the road as we head towards my mother's house. I was eager to see if Miles would be around or if Lily had gone out to meet up with some of her friends.

"um, well yer clap 'ere, 'tis a wee complicated," I shot him a look before bringing my eyes back to the road. What did he mean it was complicated?

"Why?" I felt my voice growing harsher than I had meant it to.

"i'm actually not supposed ter gamble on me assignments, oi 'ad a gamblin' addicshun dat got me kicked aff av de first wan argo why oi failed. also, yer 'av ter 'av magic ter put in if yer want ter git magic oyt av it. oi'm flat oyt, oi jist nade gauld..."

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