- Chapter 6 -

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Ailis was sat at an oblong table, other bizarre creatures sat beside him, all tucked defensively behind their hands

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Ailis was sat at an oblong table, other bizarre creatures sat beside him, all tucked defensively behind their hands. A game of poker was nearing its end, and everybody's expressionless gaze glanced around in an attempt to call a bluff or three.

"Oi, raise yer 6 ounces av gauld for a wee bit av straw." Rumple leaned forward, bits of straw fell onto the table as his hair waved about in a distressing nest of knots. He looked as though he'd been working the grain into precious gold.

Ailis leaned back in his chair, how was he supposed to successfully complete a project without an adequate amount of gold? Humans were selfish people, and they wanted everything. He needed gold for the magic a human would desire. They wanted everything so perfect and Ailis found it hard to compete with that. He eyes Rumple very carefully before laying his cards down on the table.

"That's a win--" Rumple moaned laying his cards down on the table as well. The green felt holding them in their place. Rumple was right, it was a win for Ailis as he held down a full house. This was good news for the leprechaun as now he would have some gold to tide him over until he could find a more consistent source. Ailis had struggled with Emerson as she was the most difficult of his projects yet. The others begged for nicer things like their family's wealth or even possibly them themselves. Emerson hadn't asked for anything like that, all she cared about was one simple date. He was confused on what he was supposed to help her with as she had no serious issues that he could point out. Sure she was rash and acted without thinking but she definitely wasn't a criminal like the other girls had been.

"Tanks Rumple, dis shall suffice." Ailis leaned forward pulling all the winnings towards himself. Straw was easy to provide especially now that he was in the human world once more. As long as he could get a enough of it across the realms he would be able to trade Rumple for enough gold. It paid to have a friend who could spin straw into gold even if he was evil and conniving, he had what Ailis most needed.

"Well oi best be on me way, oi must git back ter de lassy before she wakes up." Ailis stood from his seat before leaving the poker game. He needed to be careful so he didn't fall back into his gambling rut. He wouldn't ever pass if he had that addiction once more. Shaking his head the tiny creature waved to his fairy friends and smiled at Rumple. "Til next time." With a tip of his hat Ailis was gone.

I woke up to the smell of fresh breakfast wafting through the house. It wasn't normal for my mother to cook since It was just the two of us, and most the time I was in my dorm room. But today we had plans. I was used to her not being around as most times she's had business trips she needed to go on. I had grown accustomed to this throughout my life. At times I had wished my mother was around more, but she wasn't a bad mother. She did the best she could to be around when she could.

I rolled out of bed glancing over at the small space I had prepared for Ailis on the computer desk. He wasn't there. My heart dropped as he still hadn't come home. Maybe he went back to the dorm room. After the wonderful date last night I was excited to see him. I wanted to tell him all about it and thank him for making it possible. Even if it wasn't the perfect date as Nathan would forever remember me as the girl who ran out and left him waiting for forty minutes. I ran my fingers through my hair, maybe I had really made him mad last night. I closed the distance between my bed and the bathroom with a few strides.

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