- Chapter 21 -

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A month later

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A month later

The streets were growing darker. I could feel it taking over as I walk down the sidewalk. Walking past all the shops. The last month had been weird for me. After getting away with stealing the necklaces from my sister I found it was easy. It helped me. It calmed me down and helped me get the magic I needed to complete my wishes. Ailis was happy with the gold though he wasn't sure where it had come from. I'd run out of my own necklaces to give him, maybe I would search through my earrings. Either way I needed more.

I ponder how to get more as I cross the street heading further into the light. Looking over my shoulder watching to make sure no one was following me. Ailis wasn't around, he had snuck off to search for a job or something. I shook my head thinking back to the conversation we had earlier in the day.

He said he would be back before morning so I hadn't worried about staying late at Nathan's place. There was no fear of Ailis showing up and ruining things. I walked past the cafe Nathan worked at, my heart warming at the thought of him once again. Over the past couple of weeks we had spent plenty of time together. Finally making our relationship official his friends backed off slightly, still teasing him about minor things. I hadn't been this happy in a long time and I felt like my life was really coming around.

My heart skips once more as I continue to think about Nathan. My mind wondering to things we had done in the last month, little dates we had gone on since making it official. I thought about the assignments we had worked on together in class. Everything was so perfect...except for the fact that I needed more gold.

A little further down the street was a jewelry shop owned by a younger couple that had just moved to the area. I knew they would be an easy target. My palms were sweaty as I continued down the sidewalk. My plan was in motion and I knew the little girl they had closing the shop would be leaving soon. I would sneak in before she locked the doors and after she had left to pull her car around front. I would be in and out in less than two minutes. She would never notice me.

I watched carefully as she did exactly as she had done every night this week. She would leave the door slightly ajared as she would walk a little ways down the road to get her car and pull it out front. She would then grab her things and load them in the car. I never thought to question why she did this, I just knew it would give me roughly two minutes in the shop to grab whatever I could.

I crossed the street one last time as she left the shop. Sneaking in was the easy part as I just had to wait until she was far enough down the sidewalk she wouldn't hear the bell ring as I opened the door. I paused for a moment waiting for her to turn around to see me enter the shop. She never did. She was too caught up in her own world, her brown ponytail bouncing as she sang to herself.

Once I was inside the shop I rushed around grabbing any small items I could that wouldn't cause too much of a distraction to the naked eye. A necklace here, some earrings there, and maybe a ring or two. Once I felt like I was running out of time I found my place by the door watching to see if she had started her car yet. She hadn't this was the perfect time for me to slip out.

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