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I stood, talking with the Denali coven as we waited for the ceremony to start. My family had transformed our backyard into a scene out of a fairy tale, it was absolutely beautiful. I couldn't help but feel envious of my brother. As a child, I had wanted nothing more than to get married and have a family, and though I cannot procreate anymore, I still wanted to be married. I felt myself picturing it, my wedding. Walking down the aisle in a magnificent white dress, all my family and friends there to experience, and Caius waiting for me on the other end of the aisle. I could picture him all dressed up, wearing a dark suit with his hair slicked back from his face much like it had been when we were forced to visit Volterra.

I was snapped out of my thoughts my everyone beginning to be seated. I sat down in between Esme and Jasper, watching as Bella walked down the aisle. I felt the jealousy from before building up in my chest as she walked down the aisle to meet my brother. I tried to force it down. A wave of happiness fell over me and I sighed in relief. "You will have your chance soon, sister," Jasper whispered quietly in my ear and Alice shot me a comforting smile.

"Thank you," I whispered back and went back to watching my brother get married.

It had been a few days since the wedding and the newlyweds left for their honeymoon. Things were finally calming down at home, everyone was relaxing in their couples. I watched as they all cuddled or laughed or whispered to each other. Usually, I wasn't bothered by this. I used to be able to ignore them all, ignore the pain in my chest, and go about my day. I tried to focus on the words in my book but kept feeling my concentration slip. I felt annoyance swirl through me as Rosalie giggled at something Emmett said.

Why couldn't I have this? Was there something wrong with me?

Questions filled my head as I stared blankly down at the pages of my book. I could feel the pain in my chest grow and my sadness and anger grew. I wanted to cry, or scream, or destroy something. I wanted to feel something other than what I was feeling.

A wave of calm was forced over me, blanketing the pain in my chest. But it was still there, stronger than ever.

"Stop screwing with my emotions, pest!" I hissed at my blonde brother, throwing my book down forcefully on the floor as I stood and ran out of the room. I couldn't handle it.

"Aeliana!" I heard Esme call.

"Leave her, she's too upset. She needs her mate." Carlisle soothed.

I hissed once again, venom filling my eyes.

She needs her mate.

Carlisle's words flew through my head as I ran out into the woods, intending on hunting or doing something to calm myself.

I need my mate.

I skidded to a stop in the middle of the woods. I need my mate. I need him with me, I need to be with him. It has been too long. I wrapped my hand around a tree, ripping it from the ground and throwing my against two more trees angrily.

The pain grew once again, and I clutched my chest before falling to the ground, dry sobbing. Why was this my life?

"Are you sure?" Carlisle asked worry etched onto his features. I stood before him in his office, covered in dirt and leaves after my breakdown in the forest.

My eyes cast downwards, I nodded. "It has been far too long Carlisle, I think I am ready," I spoke.

"When will you leave?" Alice's small voice came from the doorway, her hand clutched to her chest as she spoke. Behind her stood the rest of my family.

I strained my lips into a smile. "After Bella and Edward return, I want to say a proper goodbye to all of you."

She nodded before smiling. "I knew this was going to happen, I'm happy for you, Aeliana." As she said that, there was a collective agreement from everyone causing me to smile.

In a mere few weeks, I would finally be in the arms of my mate.

"Aeliana," Carlisle called as soon as I stepped into the house. I had been out most of the day, trying to get everything I would need for my trip to Volterra. I had already booked my flights and brought all the necessary clothing and things I would need. I was actually excited, the pain in my chest had subsided at the knowledge of me finally going to be with my mate.

I walked into the lounge room, smiling happily. However, that smile dropped as I took in the atmosphere of the room. "What's happening?" I demanded, sitting down next to Emmett quickly.

"Have you ever heard of ..." Carlisle started but trailed off hesitantly, clearly thinking something over.

"Of what?"

"Have you ever heard of a vampire impregnating a human?" He finally spat out.

I looked around the group with a confused look on my face. "No, why would you ask-" I cut myself off quickly as my brain finally pieced together everything. "No way." I breathed out, looking to the ground. Was Bella pregnant? How the hell could that even happen?

"Are they coming home?" I asked finally.

"They should be here tomorrow," Esme said, her hand nervously placed on her lap.

"Do not speak of this to anyone, the last thing we need is the Volturi to find out." I snapped.

"I agree, we keep Bella's presence here for the moment a secret. If this gets back to the Volturi, everyone is dead. We deal with this quickly and quietly." Carlisle spoke harshly, staring at us all.

"Excuse me," I sighed, "I have some flights to cancel."

"You're not going anymore?" Alice spoke up.

"Not until this is dealt with. If Aro looks into my memories, we are all dead."

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