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*Djs Pov*

The next morning was upsetting for me. After me and Jayon had actually split up the night before, I thought I would feel unchained. I thought I would feel different, more free. However, I felt the exact opposite. I didn't want to end things with him and the more I thought about it, I regretted it. I knew I couldn't change what I said to him but it hurt me to know that I actually let him go. No more of the lovey-dovey moments that I had with him, and no more getting the chance to meet his mother, his sister, or his grandmother.

I still wondered what they were like; how they would react to meeting me. It brought a smile to my face until I realized I had been the one to stop it from happening. A tear began to fall from my face until the door of my room swung open, a pregnant Amber busted through it.

I rubbed the tear from my eye quickly, jumping at Ambers presence. She never failed to surprise me with her random pop-ups. "Hey baby!" She yelled, slamming my door. "I got this weird text from a dude named Hayden yesterday? Something about a party address. He wanted to make sure it got to you," she said eagerly. "I was lost, at first I was just gonna call you about it, but I remembered you didn't have a phone anymore. Such an inconvenience. It doesn't matter though, I wanted to see you anyways," she smiled, plopping down on my bed, attempting to give me her phone to read the message she had been talking about.

"Oh, shit," I spoke, rubbing my eyes again. "I forgot he was gonna text you this,"

"Who the hell is he and where did you meet him?" She asked. Her face had gotten chubbier but her waist was still tiny. It was cute seeing her glow with a baby inside of her, although it was still horrible timing.

"A party," I say, taking covers off of me. "I went to one last night,"

"A party? What fucking party?"

"The first one we went too, where you met Derek, I know I should have told you I was going Amber I just figured-"

"You figured what Dj? I wouldn't wanna go since I'm pregnant?" She stood up, cutting me off. The happy expression she had vanished. I knew it would.

"Well that, and the fact that we argued just before, and the fact that Derek could have been there. I didn't think you'd wanna see him," I told her. Thankfully he wasn't there, I'd already slapped him before, but last night I probably would have stabbed him if I had the chance.

"Well, you're right about the Derek part but did you think I would let a petty argument between us jeopardize our fun?"

"How did you even get in?" I ask, disregarding her question. It was almost 11 am. I wasn't in the mood to argue with her.

"Your brother. Who else?"

I nodded, getting out of my bed to go to the bathroom.

"Dj, what the hell? What happened at the party? Who the hell is Hayden? Why didn't you take me with you and who even gave you a ride there?" She questioned me, following me to the bathroom.

"Look Amber. I don't feel like discussing the details. I went to a party without you and that is all," I snapped. I only was acting like this because I was heartbroken. Getting over Jayon was going to be difficult enough and I didn't need Amber making things worse. Of course I could have told her about the fact that I choked someone and ended up slapping someone from our school but discussing it just wouldn't have felt right. I didn't feel right about any of it despite both of the bitches deserving it.

"Well atleast tell me who Hayden is and why he texted my phone, you didn't even read the message," she told me, pushing the phone towards me for the second time.

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